What’s in Your Nature?

A quick anecdote on curiosities from the animal kingdom.

Unperson Pending
Counter Arts


Adapted Image Credits: Unsplash.com/user:Ross Sokolovski

Let’s be honest, unless you’re a field researcher or a really proactive nature hobbyist, there are some quirks of the animal kingdom you’re just not likely to observe in the wild. You’d have to be very patient indeed to witness a snake shedding it’s skin, and the odds of watching a lobster molt are negligible unless you REALLY like staying underwater for extended periods of time. And when it comes to waterfowl, chances are good you’ll never directly witness an incidence of Duck Rape. I, myself, never thought I would either but once in a blue moon the stars align and the seemingly impossible happens right in front of your eyes.

Before I get into my little story, however, I should probably give a short intro on what, exactly, Duck Rape is. As I learned many years ago during a science presentation (at a Hot Dog restaurant, of all places) there are certain species of water fowl where the normal course of procreation is for the male of the species to force himself on the female and plant his seed; essentially rape, even though this is a human term and is meaningless at the level of your average pond or creek. For these dicks…I mean ducks, this is just the way things are.

As I also learned at the same presentation, some duck species have a corkscrew shaped member…

