Book cover image from the author site of T.M. Logan


Why Do People Lie?

🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
Counter Arts
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2022


We all tell lies.

Sometimes we tell a lie because we can’t bear to tell the truth, or we want to make ourselves look better. Most times, those are classified as ‘little white lies’, and we do it without even thinking about it. It’s not good, we should never lie, but it seems some people have made an art of it.

I have an aunt and a cousin (mother and daughter) who really lie about everything. We all hail from South Africa, and sometimes when we are part of the conversation and they tell stories about our home country, which just aren’t true, I correct them. For years, I never did that, until one day I had enough, because… why lie?

People who lie make life difficult for themselves, because they need to keep track of which lie they have told to whom. A lie always comes back to haunt you.

About the author, T.M. Logan

The author, T.M. Logan, was the youngest of three boys, grew up in Reading, and was a bookworm at a young age.

He worked for the Nottingham Evening Post for five years, and then moved on to the Daily Mail in London, where he became the paper’s Science reporter. While he enjoyed working as a reporter, he had no time to write fiction. He moved back to the Midlands to work at the University of Nottingham as a press officer, and every free minute he could find, he wrote fiction. It took a couple of years, but he secured representation from Camilla Bolton at the Darley Anderson Agency, and published his first thriller — Lies — in January 2017.

Two weeks after this book appeared as an e-book, he learned they made him redundant because of a restructure. He then started the job he loves — writing full-time!

Other books by T.M. Logan are:
* 29 Seconds
* The Holiday
* The Catch
* Trust Me
* The Curfew

The plot, six characters

The six main characters in the book are Joe and Mel, with their son William, and Ben and Beth with their daughter Alice. William is 5 years old, while Alice is 14, as Beth fell pregnant when she was still at university. Alice and Beth had been friends for a long time, but their husbands didn’t get along that well. Ben seemed to feel superior to everyone around him, and especially to Joe.

The story starts where Will — who loves cars and knows all the emblems — recognizes his mom’s car and begs his father to follow her. Joe does and ends up in the parking garage of a hotel. He sees Mel nowhere, so enters the hotel and finds her in the restaurant, where she’s in a heated argument with Ben. He goes back to his car to wait for Mel, but she drives away without hearing him call out for her. Then Ben comes out and attacks Joe when he demands to know why Ben was there with Mel.

From there on things get scary, as to the eyes of the world Ben has disappeared, but he hacks Joe’s phone, his social media and his home computer, sending him threatening messages. All Joe wants to do is to find Ben alive, because the police believes Ben is dead, and Joe has killed him. Mel has admitted to an affair with Ben, and promises Joe it’s over, and she will help him find Ben. Beth reveals Ben isn’t the nice and kind man everyone thinks he is.

The lengths to which Ben goes to instill fear in Joe are shocking, but Joe is adamant about discovering what has happened, even if it means fleeing from the police against his lawyer’s advice.

The end… I didn’t see that coming!

When Joe flees from the police, he goes back to Ben’s hometown, as he believes Ben is hiding there. Slowly, he puts the pieces together, and the bigger picture forms — a picture he hasn’t expected, and neither does the reader.

Ben indeed is a clever man, running his own company in technology, but he just isn’t clever enough. Or should that be… wasn’t?

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🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
Counter Arts

🦋 Writer of raw, open, honest fact & fiction - always about life. | Owner: Serial Stories & The Patient's Voice | Editor: Tantalizing Tales 🦋