Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

The Introverted Vet
Counter Arts
Published in
6 min readJul 20, 2021


A shift-worker’s perpective

Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Hectic night shift after hectic night shift, I’m tired and I’m worn out.

Shift work is tough. Shift work in healthcare being exceptionally mentally-draining.

The past few weeks have been especially difficult — Sydney is in lockdown due to the spread of the Delta strain. Getting out in the winter sun, within our little 10km radius bubble from home, to get exercise is a fleeting escape but a risk all the same.

The new case numbers are in triple digits now. I refuse to be one of those numbers. The earliest I can have my Pfizer vaccine booked for is October. Two and a half more months. In the meanwhile, I’m being additionally cautious.

Night shift, home, sleep during the daytime, wake-up, enjoy what is left of the sun, night shift, repeat.




On my days off, I get to enjoy the sunlight more; within the 10km radius of course and with my mask on. Actively dodging the mask-less delinquents on the street who continue to laugh in the face of the virus.

What free time I do get on my night shifts, I fill up by taking power naps, taking my meals in the break room (and not patient-side by a critical case) or reading books.



The Introverted Vet
Counter Arts

Emergency Veterinarian in Australia | Advocating for vet mental-health & public awareness of our profession | @introvertedvett