Writing Out Your Constipation

Counter Arts’ Art Newsletter. What a mouthful.

Counter Arts


Leonid Pasternak, The Passion of Writing, oil on canvas, date unknown.

Writing is tough, I get it. For those of you who seem to course through the tedious writing process without having to drop a dump or two between paragraphs, or perhaps cleaning under the toilet seat 4 times too much to avoid having to sit and write, I’m sorry to break it to you: You’re freaking geniuses. Or maybe just freaks. I can’t decide.

The cherished Hanya Yanagihara, author of the New York Times Bestseller, A Little Life which now sits on my bookshelf, creased at the spine in several places, with the odd stain or two (I apologise to readers with a gentle touch) — wrote her tear-jerking novel in just 18 months. Bragging rights secured, Yanagihara.

Meanwhile, I’ve been putting off getting my old bank card renewed for the past 12 months, so I guess I’ve earned my own faux bragging rights in a way too.

While I make up a pros and cons list as to whether or not I should rip the unpeeled protective film off the edges of my monitor, contemplating what my next sentence might be, I wonder that perhaps, just maybe, quite possibly, this…creative drought or writerly constipation might very well be an ailment I suffer alone.

Despite my delusions — derived from sheer will and contrivance — I’m not Hanya Yanagihara, and…

