👋 Announcing Countly 16.06

Product Analytics Insights
Published in
5 min readJun 30, 2016

Today we are announcing the release of 16.06 version for both Countly Community Edition and Countly Enterprise Edition. This release adds several new functionalities while continuing to provide the maturity, ease of use and scalability required to meet the needs of mobile, web and IoT analytics and mobile marketing for both small businesses and enterprises.

When we started 3 years ago, we couldn’t imagine that Countly servers would be tracking more than 6K mobile apps and 2K web sites, recording well over 60 billion API points per month. Being the only self-hosted and white-label analytics platform in the market, Countly is now the software of choice for both SMBs and Fortune 500 customers, including leading telecom operators, financial institutions, health organizations and gaming companies.

Countly 16.06 is a major release with a long list of release notes. With this release, our tight-knit team builds on our past success to maintain Countly’s status as the world’s #1 open source, enterprise grade mobile and web analytics solution.

Let’s take a quick tour of what is new in 16.06.

🎁 General features available for Community & Enterprise Editions

  • We’ve added a one line installer, which helps download and install Countly with a single line. This is a very quick and handy method for those who want to get up and running with Countly as soon as possible. Try yourself:

wget -qO- http://c.ly/install | bash

  • We’ve introduced a Countly Code Generator to help developers integrate their SDKs more easily.
  • We’ve added several one liner explanations in Countly configuration options (under dashboard > Management > Configuration)
  • Charts now display full day results for today’s chart, instead of capping to current time.
  • Command line now checks whether user is root and displays meaningful message for root needed commands.
  • App key of application and API key of user can be changed from dashboard. This is useful in circumstances modifying SDK calls in your app is not an option.
  • Previously it wasn’t possible to rename events with key names containing dots. As you may have guessed, this is not the case any more.
  • Countly now uses bulk report sending through jobs, rather than cronjob for each separate report.
  • We dropped using Imagemagick due to maintenance issues, and started using Sharp node module instead.
  • Add IPv6 listen directive to Nginx config to make sure we are ready to use IPv6 in the future.

Greatly improved user experience

  • App management is visually improved with hints and value order.
  • All apps data fetching has been optimized.
  • User management table has been redesigned with datatables.
  • Data populator plugin has been revamped so it generates less random and more meaningful data with less overhead for browser.
  • We removed unused fields for web analytics.
  • Where Google services is disabled (mainly for servers in China), switching between cities and countries and displaying simple table of countries on dashboard is now possible.

😍 Completely overhauled user interface

  • There is now a new and improved sidebar UI which looks and behaves a lot better than the old, one-level navigation bar.
  • There is a new, shiny pre-login page design that you’ll love ♥
  • The main dashboard has been redesigned and better graph tooltips have been added to graphs.
  • Removed app category from app creation since we think your time is valuable.
  • Loading bar has been updated with a modern one.
  • When clicked on cog, user settings are now displayed in full screen instead of popup.
  • Whole UI is now more modern — lots of small & lovely retouches everywhere

👑 Improvements exclusively for Enterprise Edition customers

Our Enterprise Edition customers will love this release, packed with several add-on features and improvements.

Drill related enhancements

  • Bookmark management is now available through API.
  • Plugins can use disk space for large aggregated queries and can perform BY queries without AND.
  • Sessions now can be queried by length/duration

👉 Attribution Analytics improvements

  • It’s now possible to report organic conversions with Web Analytics, and select which campaigns to compare.
  • There is a new configuration to pass all campaign data to end URLs or not.
  • Attribution analytics can now pass all the properties to postback url, including custom ones.
  • User can hide a campaign when completed.
  • Optimization of loading data by separating campaign properties and analytical data.

🎉 New plugins for Enterprise Edition

Countly comes with several plugins, and now more plugins are available with this release.

  • Retention with segments, where retention table can be drilled down into segmentation values.
  • Restrict access, where admin can define who can see what part of the dashboard.
  • Block requests, where admin can block certain type of requests coming from devices or web apps.

In addition to all these new features and improvements, there are also several bug fixes, including but not limited to:

  • Push notifications work with Apple’s new switch to HTTP2 transmission method.
  • User estimation with active users data is corrected throughout the dashboard.
  • There is a fix in bulk API that now helps API run smoothly in certain conditions.
  • Unique click reporting in attribution analytics is fixed.
  • We have made a few fixes for data types interpreted incorrectly for custom properties and provided historical values of user properties for selected period.

Download Countly Community Edition directly from Github, or try Enterprise Edition now.

The Countly team is proud of each new feature, and we are also delighted to see how Countly has become the platform of choice when companies need a trusted partner to provide a private, on-premise, customizable and extensible analytics and marketing platform for their mission critical applications.

The work we’ve done on our core feature set, together with a new, refurbished user interface and use of new, faster MongoDB 3.2 greatly improves performance and increases ease-of-use.

And we are just getting started!

Onur Alp Soner is co-founder of Countly, enterprise mobile analytics and marketing platform used in over 1 billion devices. He has a manly beard & likes to write about analytics, data, mobile, startups and products. Follow him on Twitter.



Product Analytics Insights
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Countly is a product analytics platform built to ensure privacy by design. Find us at https://countly.com/blog