Country Profile MALAWI

Uhusiano Capital
Country Profiles
Published in
5 min readAug 24, 2018

About Malawi

Source: World Bank

The Republic of Malawi is a landlocked country with an estimated population of 18 million people. Malawi has a sub-tropical climate, which is characterised by a warm-wet season and a cool-dry season. The country has a total land area of 9.4 million hectares, of which 5.8 million hectares are cultivated and 3.2 million hectares are under forest cover. The remaining 2.9 million hectares of Malawi are covered by Lake Malawi, a fresh water lake that makes up part of Malawi’s eastern border with Tanzania and Mozambique. Lake Malawi provides the source water for Malawi’s largest river, the Shire River, which is the main source of Malawi’s electricity.



The country’s GDP grew by 2.5 percent in 2016, although growth is expected to slow in the short-term as the impacts of two years of severe drought ripple through the economy.

Source: World Bank

Market Access

Malawi’s economy benefits from access to markets with populations of more than 90 million people through its shared borders with Tanzania, Mozambique, and Zambia. The larger markets of the DRC (70 million people) and Zimbabwe (16 million people) are also relatively close to Malawi. All of these countries are members of regional trading blocs such as SADC and COMESA.

Previous Investments

Malawi’s access to international sea- and airports to several African trading partners has made it a destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). In 2012, Malawi received FDI worth USD $1.2 billion, representing 22% of FDI flows to Southern Africa. The MITC records indicate that FDI increased by 18 percent from 2011 to 2012, which is indicative of the improved business climate in Malawi. Most FDI came from China and the UK, whereas FDI from South Africa, India, Pakistan, and locals accounted for less than 4% of total in 2012.

Investment Case


Countries in the southeastern African region are competing for scarce FDI from funds that are seeking to maximize their financial, social, and environmental returns. Malawi has a number of advantages that make it a relatively attractive proposition for investors. These include:

  • political stability
  • investor-friendly climate
  • regional trade agreements through WTO, EU, COMESA, and SADC
Source: World Bank

Legal Framework For Investment

Malawi’s legal framework allows foreign investors to invest in any part of the Malawian economy unless explicitly denied by the sector’s responsible minister.

A foreign investor can:

  • Own land under leasehold agreements
  • Make international payments on their loans and interests without any restrictions
  • Wholly remit profits and dividends as long as their investment is registered with the Central Bank of Malawi
  • Disinvest 100% from the country whenever they choose
  • Control 100% of their business interests in Malawi

Source: Malawi Export Promotion Act of 2012


Key Sectors in Malawi

Sector I: Forestry

Malawi’s forestry sector is a significant source of economic activity, as both hard and softwood function as the major construction materials. Additionally, around 98% of households use fuelwood or charcoal for cooking because there are few viable alternatives. At the same time, forest plantations have seen their tree cover fall over the last decades to 10% of their 1950s levels. Estimates suggest the sector constitutes approximately 4.4% of Malawi’s GDP. However, true contribution is likely to be greater because that figure does not account for many values that forests provide to other activities, such as growing and processing of tobacco, protection of water supply, protection of watersheds and general improvement of the environment.

Sector II: Agriculture

Malawi grows a wide variety of tree-based crops including bananas, mangos, macadamia and avocados. The country’s agri sector accounts for 32% of the economic activity and more than 85% of its exports. Additionally, agriculture is also a significant employer, accounting for approximately 90% of employment in the country with smallholder farmers growing nearly 75% of Malawi’s annual food supply.

Simultaneously, Malawi’s continuously increasing population, leads to reduced average smallholder farm sizes. As a result, low-skilled labor is abundant and relatively inexpensive, creating opportunities for low-margin activities and value-adding steps such as processing.

Uhusiano Capital

Established in May 2016, Uhusiano Capital addresses the capital requirement needs for African-based projects and opportunities. The founding principle of Uhusiano Capital is the fundamental belief that commercial capital and impact capital can come together. This interaction can generate sustainable long-term projects in Africa for which both impact capital and commercial capital can be catalysts.


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Uhusiano Capital
Country Profiles

Uhusiano Capital is a boutique, regulated, financial advisory firm based in London specialising in Impact Investment with an African focus.