15 Advantages Single People Have

Sonali Karneedi
County Prep Chronicle
4 min readFeb 14, 2018

All these advantages are something I’ve noticed, but I don’t speak from personal experience. However, I’m pretty sure that these are true because I’ve seen almost all of my friends and family go through this.

  1. Remember all those times your friend was obsessed about having his/her phone charged because their boyfriend/girlfriend would try and contact them? You see, I never had to deal with that and few single people don’t because you can let your phone die and have no problem with it. Even though I’m single, I’m extremely obsessed with my phone being charged cause I like to stay updated with anything new going on.
  2. No need to worry about your parents approving or disapproving your boyfriend/girlfriend.
  3. You can wear anything you want and not worry about impressing anyone. A pair of sweatpants and a sweater is all you need.
  4. There’s no such thing as “her” or “his” sides of the bed. Migrate to the right, move it to the left, lay claim to the middle — it’s all yours.
  5. When you were in a relationship, you most likely watched tons of shows that didn’t interest you at all. Maybe you skipped certain types of movies you might have really enjoyed. Now that you’re single again, rediscover the things you love. Admit it — it feels great to grab the remote without a peep from your partner!
  6. Don’t do the dishes. Don’t make your bed anymore. You are the master of your domain. Live however you like! When you reclaim your space, you clear your mind at the same time.
  7. When you’re single, you tend to sleep better (see Advantage #4). You’re better rested, which means your mood is better in all aspects of your life — even at work! It’s all a matter of perception. Be Zen about this break in your love life and you’ll see — everything will turn out fine.
  8. There’s always that one thing we’ve put off for the mere reason that we don’t have time to cram it into our busy schedules. With extra time, learn that second language, take that cooking class or even Pilates like you’ve always wanted to.
  9. Why not consider playing the field a little? After all, there’s no reason to feel guilty if it’s just a date. Keep it casual and grab a drink or dinner with that cute new girl/guy you just met or the person that you’ve been secretly eyeing for a while.
  10. That last slice of pizza is yours. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
  11. There’s no stressing over whether you’re applying to the same schools, or if you want to try a long-distance relationship. The #1 priority? YOU. Where do YOU want to go to school? What do YOU want to do with your life? What makes sense for YOU?
  12. Never being tracked on your time. Your partner often wants you to spend as much time with them as possible, so when you tell them no, or that you want to do other things, they track that. This can be awesome for you actually doing what you said you would, but awful if you are just trying to get a quiet hour in every once in a while.
  13. More money to spend on what you want. There is no significant other to buy gifts for or surprise or go on vacation with. It is just you (and family and friends) and you can spend your money whichever way you like!
  14. The only expectations you have are your own. There are social and relationship expectations, but you are not bound to follow them. You can or not, that is entirely up to you! I know there is a lot of pressure coming in relationships, but if you take that pressure off and act out of your own accord and by what you want to do, then you will have the best time of your life in a relationship!
  15. Think you’ll never find love again? Stop panicking. Being single can help prepare you for a better relationship in the future. Who’s to say your next partner won’t be the one for the rest of your life? Just enjoy being single before you commit to someone for life!

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