How to Survive Life As A Pet Owner

Ashley Benitez
County Prep Chronicle
2 min readMay 30, 2018

Pets, you love them even when you hate them. If you have one, you know the struggle.


If you are a cat owner, you know the hardship of doing homework or any type of work. The struggle of when they jump on your desk and decide to lay down on your papers or even keyboard. They even lay on your lap and expect to have your full, undivided attention. Even though we love them, we can’t work with them.

Tip: Put a square box on your desk, next to where you’re working, or on the floor directly next to your chair or desk. If you’re nearby and visible, they will relax and probably fall asleep in that box.


If you have one, it probably means you aren’t much of an introvert, even if you try. Your dog is constantly needing to explore the outdoors to socialize, exercise, and of course, do their business. If you left them alone when they were pups, they would end up destroying something within the first 5 minutes. As they become a senior dog, they go back to that habit. But no matter what, you should always love them.

Tip: When you leave the house, leave a TV and light on in the living room. If you have multiple floors, leave them in the room closest to the hallway and leave their bed there too. This will let them relax with the noise that they would hear if you were home and when you arrive they will sense you right away.


In my past experience with my pet hamster, he would never let me sleep. He loved running on his squeaky wheel at night but never in the day. If your hamster is anything like mine, you would have dark circles under your eyes in the morning. You want to take whatever noisy toy they’re playing with and throw it out the window! However, you don’t want to be mean.

Tip: Leave the cage outside of the room (ex. living room or hallway) so you don’t hear them.

Even Birds-

In fairy tales , the princess wakes up happily with the birds chirping but that’s not the case for us bird owners. If you have multiple birds, you know that you wake up to your birds basically screeching. If your anything like me, you throw another blanket over them. Its not all birds but you can say its the majority. Love em’ but you can’t have a long night sleep with them, especially on the weekends.

Tip: None (you may attempt the hamster tip)

