Recap: Battle Of The Classes

County Prep Chronicle
4 min readMay 30, 2018

Excitement filled the air as the third annual Battle of the Classes began. This fun-filled game consisted of four main activities: crab soccer, tug of war, the relay races, and finally the dance battle. With four highly competitive classes all cheering on their classmates and showing off their class colors, the school gym transformed into a divided sports stadium showcasing four very colorful sections of maroon, blue, green and pink.

The battle kicked off with the Juniors making the first goal in crab soccer against the Seniors. The classes were in uproar as the game picked up speed with the Sophomores against the Freshmen. Crab soccer is harder then regular soccer because you have to go down on your hands and legs with your hands behind you and no hands are permitted to touch the ball whats so ever. The Freshmen pulled their own against the Sophomores and won. Another game between the Freshmen and Juniors began with even chances on both sides, the tides turn quickly however because the Freshmen score three consecutive points which earned them the winning score of 15. The Freshmen’s win put the Juniors in second place at 12, the Seniors in 3rd place at 9 and finally the Sophomores with 6 points.

Tug of war pins the Freshmen against the Sophomores and the Seniors against the Juniors. The Freshmen and Seniors won. The bets were high during the Seniors and Juniors turn. The rope was pulled heavily into the side of the Juniors but then leaning into the Seniors winning side. The Seniors win bumps them up to first place, with Freshmen not too far in second, Juniors in third and Sophomores in fourth.

The Grand Relay section of the evening began with the mummy relay, where only two players from each class participate. One player wraps the other with toilet paper and once it completely runs out, the player runs across the floor. The Juniors finished first, the Seniors second and the Sophomores third, leaving the freshmen in last.

The Hula Hoop relay came next which consisted of the classes forming lines, holding hands and passing a hula hoop through their joint bodies, never letting go of each others hands. The Juniors, Seniors and Freshmen were neck and neck. The Juniors won, but accusations of sabotage were thrown around. The Juniors were said to have tripped the seniors. As a result, judges made penalties to each team for breaking the rules of the game.

The third relay of the night proceeded swiftly after the small dilemma. The relay, which for lack of better words was doing frog jumps in reverse, seemed quite complicated. The challenge however appeared almost easy to the Freshmen who won first place. The relay proved to be harder for the Juniors who had teammates falling over each other causing them to come in last place. The Sophomores came in second and Seniors third.

The last two relays consisted of a 3-legged race, with the Juniors winning. Then came, the over and under mini relay which the Seniors won. The grand relay resulted with the Seniors in first place with 32 points, the Juniors with 30, Freshmen with 30 and Sophomores with 18.

Perhaps the most awaited section of the battle began. The dance battle is the part of the games where each class must create and showcase an original choreographed dance. The Freshmen started with a lovely dance and very energetic music. The Sophomores perform after with a seemingly more put together dance with gold pompoms towards the end that really added some pizzazz. The Juniors came out with some dressed in cultural outfits to demonstrate the different cultures featured in their performance. Creativity was not lost in their performance. The Juniors decided on creating a dance that really captured the very diverse student body here at County Prep which earned them second place. Finally, the Seniors put on a wonderful dance with a beautiful sentiment at the end. As their dance ended, they said a small thank you to their class advisers, even bringing out flowers which brought tears to the advisers eyes. A group hug among the Senior class had the entire gym clapping and awing at their performance they understandably won first place for their dance.

The banners were graded last. The individual banners were graded on creativity, color and organization. The Freshmen earned 32 points, the Sophomores 33, Juniors 18 and the Seniors 35 points for their banners. However there was an incident where an unknown individual of the Junior class leaked a photo of another classes banner. This actions of the individual cost the Juniors half of their points for the banner, only giving them 18 points.

With all the points in for the numerous activities, banners and dance routines the crowd went silent as they waited for Mr. Carey to announce the winner. The anticipation clung heavy in the gym air. The fourth place winners were the Juniors which earned many a sad face among their class. The Sophomores came in at third place. Once their clapping was done they started to cheer for the Seniors not wanting the Freshmen to win. The Freshmen were in second place which gave the win to the Seniors. On their last year at County Prep they won the Battle Of The Classes as a very united and dedicated class. It was a valiant effort for every class, and a great opportunities for the entire school to come together and show some sportsmanship.

Courtesy of Senior Advisors

