Stormy Daniels? Really Mr. President?

County Prep Chronicle
2 min readMar 27, 2018

In latest news, Trump has yet again let his country down. What a shocker. Recently the adult film star Stephanie Clifford known as ‘Stormy Daniels’ has come out to the press with a 60 minute interview in which she speaks about her affair with Donald Trump. Let’s remember, Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States is currently married to the first lady Melania Trump.

In this sixty minute interview with CBS, Daniels speaks of the alleged affair that herself and Mr. Trump underwent. She says she was paid, and forced to sign a nondisclosure agreement. However just like the numerous other allegations toward Trump, he only has one word to say, and its ‘liars’.

That’s right ladies and gentlemen. The president is yet again denying that this ever took place. It was even said that Trump was heard talking of how unattractive he found Miss Clifford. Perhaps in efforts to dispute the allegations? Or perhaps he’s just that type of man. Donald Trump has openly bad-mouthed women before, even during the presidential elections, he did not have any respect towards his female rival.

Because Trump is such a big fan of Twitter, he took to tweeting and said “So much Fake News. Never been more voluminous or more inaccurate. But through it all, our country is doing great!” Here he yet again completely denies everything, even mucking the state of the country that he is supposed to be running. Because it would be hard to believe that Mr. Trump was serious when saying that our country was doing great, because millions of angry protesters don’t seem to have the same enthusiasm of the country’s greatness.

Come on Mr. President, try and stay out of scandals! You’re not just embarrassing yourself but the people who stand on your side.

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