Dating your Partner | Dressing up to take your clothes off

5 tips on dating your partner throughout your relationship

Couple of Secrets
Couple of Secrets
3 min readApr 22, 2019


Dating your partner — putting your clothes on to take them off

Dating your partner

Are you dating your partner? Dating is one of the most exciting social behaviours. It involves preparing, thinking things through and making a great first impression. The aim? To woo and seduce the other and let yourself be seduced in return, all the time savouring the possibility of what is yet to come. Sadly, for many of us, the dating period ends the moment our relationship starts.

Can you date your long-term partner?

Does it make sense to keep dating your partner after having been together for a few years? Is it even possible? Our experience tells us that the answer to these questions is a resounding double yes! It makes even more sense to date your partner after you have settled together. And yes, it is not only possible but indeed quite desirable to do so!

Here are our five things to pay attention to when dating your partner:

Dressing up for your partner

After a few years, you probably know each other’s wardrobe inside out. Your partner’s collection consists of your absolute favourite, drop-dead pair of jeans, those couple of dresses that are ‘just ok’ and that Star Wars T-shirt you have been doing your best to shrink with each laundry.

In time, you start gauging your partner’s enthusiasm by the garments he or she puts on. When he’s put on his cool white shirt to go out with his friends, somewhere you register it as him wanting to impress others. When she puts on that paisley dress you find barely tolerable for a night out with you, you file her attitude under ‘disinterested’.

Bottom line: what we wear for our partner makes a difference.

Dating your partner couple of secrets

Choosing a venue

-Baby? Wanna go on a date this Friday?

I have to admit to getting quite nervous waiting for Aliki’s reply. Would she accept or would she just brush it off, succumb to the tedium of our daily life and opt to stay home in pyjamas? My mobile vibrated a few minutes later.

-Sure, my love. Where?

-Fantastic! I’ll take care of it.

When you choose the venue, don’t take her to her favourite restaurant. It’s too easy! Surprise her instead. Even if the food doesn’t match expectations, the effort is appreciated. I keep a list of enticing places I would like to discover and I go through it whenever I am taking Aliki out on a date. It makes life easier. And if I’m not inspired by anything on that list, I consult my single friends. They are a great source of what’s hip and trendy in town.

You don’t have to settle on dining out. It could be a throwback outing to the movies, a club, a jazz joint, theatre, a concert, stand-up comedy… whatever makes it special! My rule of thumb is to prepare the date for her and not for me. It’s not what I would like to do but more what she would appreciate.

Hey babe, I got us tickets to the latest Avengers movie!’ is a line I know would work on Aliki -because, I am lucky- but not necessarily on all girls.

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Originally published at on April 22, 2019.

