Marriage Counseling & Couples Therapy In
Cobb County, GA

Quincy Martin
Couples Academy
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2022

Relationships and marriages are adventures. As with any adventure, it may feel a bit like riding a roller coaster. Weaving around obstacles often leads to more twists and turns, and you may end up not knowing how to proceed. That is why you should look into marriage counseling and couples therapy from Couples Academy to restore your relationship and reignite your love for one another.

Private Marriage Intensive Experience In Cobb County, GA

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Have you ever wished there was a way to strengthen your connection with your partner right now? Couples Academy offers a Private Marriage Intensive Experience, a 3-day program designed for those who are motivated and committed to results. Working together with your spouse, you can deepen your connection, build strategies for communication, and create an intimacy unique to your relationship.

  • 3 Day Private Marriage Intensive (Virtual)
  • 3 Day PRIVATE Marriage Intensive

The specific problem areas that we address in our intensives include:

  • Conflict, power struggles, and angry escalations
  • Patterns of complaining, blaming, and defensive reactions
  • Shutting down, distancing, and lack of communication
  • Emotional and physical disconnection — the “emotional divorce”
  • Intimacy and sexual problems
  • Infidelity and affairs (including problems like “sexual addiction”)
  • Trust issues, insecurities, feelings of betrayal

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Couples Counseling In Cobb County, GA

Do you feel unfulfilled in your current marriage? Has the fire gone out? Although society says that relationships do get less exciting over the years, it does not have to be devoid of love. Couples counseling from Couples Academy provides you with insight to your relationship, as well as a safe and stable environment for discussion. Not only will you work through difficult issues that plague your relationship, you can start building a marriage that is better than ever before.

  • Discovery Calls
  • Couples Session
  • Half-Day Solution
  • One-Day Intensives
  • Solo Spouse Intensive
  • Enneagram Personality Assessments

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Infidelity Counseling In Cobb County, GA

Affairs are detrimental to relationships, and they weigh heavy on everyone affected. Yet, where many people see closed doors, Couples Academy sees an opportunity for growth. In-person or online, our infidelity counseling services have helped many couples from Cobb County and beyond overcome the grief and despair. After all, those who attend infidelity counseling not only resolve the issues that caused the betrayal, they leave feeling a renewed sense of stability and love in their marriage.

  • Discovery Calls
  • Couples Session
  • Half-Day Solution
  • One-Day Intensives
  • Solo Spouse Intensive
  • Enneagram Personality Assessments

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Emergency Marriage Counseling In Cobb County, GA

There may come a time when your relationship needs help right away. You should not have to wait for tomorrow or the day after. Couples Academy can assist with diffusing tense arguments and other emergency situations.

  • Discovery Calls
  • Couples Session
  • Half-Day Solution
  • One-Day Intensives
  • Solo Spouse Intensive
  • Enneagram Personality Assessments

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Online Infidelity Counseling In Cobb County, GA

Home is where the heart is, and so if that is where you want to talk, try online infidelity counseling with Couples Academy. Our virtual counseling sessions provide the same caring and open atmosphere as our in-person sessions. The only difference is that you are in the safety of your own home.

  • Discovery Calls
  • Couples Session
  • Half-Day Solution
  • One-Day Intensives
  • Solo Spouse Intensive
  • Enneagram Personality Assessments

Book Your Appointment Today!

Watch Client Testimonials

Infidelity FAQ

We understand if you are not ready to talk to us about infidelity or relationship problems. Such things are complicated. So if you have questions, feel free to peruse this infidelity FAQ for some answers. Couples Academy is here when you need us.

