Simulasi dan Pemodelan Sistem Fisis (FI4002)-Assigment 01


Courage to Write
2 min readFeb 16, 2024


Hello, I’m Syazwana Rakha Marahaini with ID Student 10220002. Some people sometimes make a mistake by calling me Syahwan, Sazwan or make it a joke with warna-warni (Because I have a twinsister), so i usually ask for call me Ana cause it’s simple and memorable. I’m originally from Garut and here I’m staying in the Cisitu Lama. I like watching short videos about knitting, animation and cooking (sometimes I tried to cook based on the video.

Photo by Jason Jarrach on Unsplash


I’m taking this course in this semester because in last semester I had something else to do and this course schedule collided with that. On the other side I have more free time this semester. For taking this class the reason is that many close friends take this class, some friends recommended it, also i have never studied under your guidance so i want to have various experiences studies before graduating.


I have interest in simple particle systems, random number systems and their applications in physical cases, digital signal processing Fourier Transform.


To be honest, I haven’t decided what topic I will use. But Based on articles and journals that I learned many people use the Monte Carlo system and matters related to signal.


For the RBL topic actually I haven’t seen what I want to do yet. But it’s based on the syllabus that I am interested in. I want to try an application of the Monte Carlo method or simple particle system.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

