A walkthrough guide to Elbit’s Alice in Wonderland Challenge

Aviv Yaniv
Courisity is a Drug
2 min readDec 1, 2020


This challenge has been introduced by Elbit in 2020 and involved two riddles, of encrypted messages.

In this post, I share with you their detailed solution.

Level 1

We are told that there is a message hidden in the text, at given positions.

The positions are encoded in an unknown base and have to be multiplied.

Looking at the encoded message we see repetition at it’s beginning, which would match the double t in the URL https prefix, so it’s reasonable to suspect it’s the URL to the next level.

Let’s write code that tries all possible bases and multiplication:

This code outputs for base 15 and multiplication of 2 the following;


This is easily fixable to a valid URL — and we jump to the next level.

Level 2

This time we are given an encrypted file and the following message:

Dear Alice, the rest of the story is in the attached letter. Only you and I can read it, Of course the way to open it is your name. In appreciation of Lyon playfair.

The message hints us to use Alice's name as the key, but what is the encryption algorithm?

The message is written by Lyon Playfair, and it’s more than a coincidence that Playfair is an encryption method.

This code decrypts the message:

We get another part of chapter 1 of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland book, and we are done!

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The whole repository is available at AvivYaniv/Elbit-Alice-In-Wonderland-Challenge.



Aviv Yaniv
Courisity is a Drug

Senior Software Development Engineer 🖥️ Economist 📈 Beer Brewer 🍻 Photographer 📷 ~ “Curiosity is my drug”