Kusto Detective Agency 2022Onboarding Badge

Walk Through Guide for Kusto Detective Agency 2022, Onboarding Level Solution

Aviv Yaniv
Courisity is a Drug


Welcome Detective, it’s your Call for Action!

There’re troubles in Digitown, and Kusto Detective Agency needs your urgent help to solve the mysterious cases! 🏙 🚓

SPOILER ALERT! In this series of articles, I’ll share detailed solutions for these addictive riddles 🕵

The riddles involve KQL (which is like SQL, but better 😉 query language) used for the ultra-fast Azure Big-Data DataBase called Kusto (or Azure Data Explorer)

The journey is fun and a mind-intriguing CTF experience similar to ESC Room🙂

This amazing challenge is at : https://detective.kusto.io

Create Your Free Cluster!

The first step is creating the DataBase for free!

The Instructions for Cluster Creation

This involves three simple steps:

  1. Browsing to https://aka.ms/kustofree
  2. Logging in with Microsoft Account
  3. Creating the cluster in less than 5 seconds!

Now that we have our first Kusto Cluster, let’s take the snippet shared with us:

And let's run in the Query blade:


After running it once, we have data and are ready to answer the pressing question:

What is the sum of Score column?

Lucky us🍀 KQL is super friendly and fast: we start a new line with the pipe, then start with the summarize operator to specify we want to do an aggregative function which is sum on Score column:

And that’s all! in less than 5 minutes we created a cluster, ingested data, and were able to query and answer the onboarding question🏆 Wow!

Easy-peasy it was, altogether this is just a warmup question for a great journey 🛤

Walk Through Guide for Kusto Detective Agency 2022, Case #1 Solution

Walk Through Guide for Kusto Detective Agency 2022, Case #2 Solution

Walk Through Guide for Kusto Detective Agency 2022, Case #3 Solution

Walk Through Guide for Kusto Detective Agency 2022, Case #4 Solution

Walk Through Guide for Kusto Detective Agency 2022, Case #5 Solution

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Aviv Yaniv
Courisity is a Drug

Senior Software Development Engineer 🖥️ Economist 📈 Beer Brewer 🍻 Photographer 📷 ~ “Curiosity is my drug”