Review of Coursera HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

Ramy Fahim
Course Correctly
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2019

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Quick Look:

What is this course about?

Coursera offers online video and interactive courses in a diverse set of subjects. Many people, including myself, got their first training in machine learning by taking Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning course on this website. My experience has been nothing but positive, and Andrew Ng, who is also the founder of Coursera, is a master teacher.

The course focused on in this review is called HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers, and it is taught by Yaakov Chaikin, a professor at Johns Hopkins University — in line with Coursera’s business of partnering with top schools and top schools’ professors. This course is overwhelmingly positive and we give a comprehensive review, answering questions you might have and thoroughly presenting this course.

Is Coursera HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers for me?

This course is for anyone interested to begin web development. Also, if you do any front-end work, then what you learn in this course should be the knowledge you always come back to as a web developer. In other words, it is the base, level-1 knowledge on which any other development rests, because you always have to come back to these references in any new website projects.

I am a software engineer and data scientist, which means I know statistics and machine learning. I took this course out of urgency. I was working at a hedge fund, Moore Capital, and I was tasked with creating a web application using Javascript and React, a very popular Javascript library. So I thought, “I better start learning!” and I signed up for this course and started watching videos at home and trying to put something together at the workplace. I zipped through the course but made sure I devoured every second, so as not to miss anything that could possibly be useful. Taking the course was extremely useful. If you need to build hosted web projects and you don’t know the code basics, this course is for you. You will find yourself understanding the fundamentals and catching and fixing errors in websites. You will be good enough that advanced web developers will appreciate, agree with, and understand you…

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About the Reviewer

Ramy Fahim is a software engineer and data scientist. He has an MS degree from Columbia and he is passionate about online learning. This review was written in June 2019.

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