Review of Reforge: Advanced Growth Strategy Course

Eric Jorgenson
Course Correctly
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2019

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What is Reforge?

Reforge conducts courses for experienced professionals. Education is focused on the skill and discipline of Growth in high-speed, high-scale startups. Typical backgrounds for participants are those already working in startups or tech companies as a marketer, product manager, data analyst, engineer, or founder.

Reforge offers three different programs:

1) Growth Series (comprehensive and foundational course on growth)

2) Retention + Engagement Deep Dive

3) Advanced Growth Strategy (this review)

Is Reforge Advanced Growth Strategy for me?

This course is primarily for professionals working in tech startups. While people in any role could benefit, it is focused on executives, marketers, engineers and product managers who are focused on growth.

If you are on a career path toward management in a startup, this is a valuable experience. If you are currently on a growth team or the founder of a startup that is seeking growth, this is meant exactly for you.

Without a startup or workplace to apply these lessons, this course may be overkill for learning growth basics.

Reforge is specifically geared toward high-speed, high-scale startups. You will have a hard time applying these frameworks to a plumbing business. Reforge applies mostly to technology companies, and specifically those with Network Effects and a high ceiling on growth.

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About the Reviewer

Eric Jorgenson is a Product Strategist at Zaarly. He writes Evergreen Library and is publishing the Almanack of Naval Ravikant.

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Eric Jorgenson
Course Correctly

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