Data, Analytics, and AI are EASY

When you hire an expert

Decision-First AI
Course Studies
Published in
4 min readApr 8, 2024


Recently, I had some flood damage to my basement. Never a low stress event. Immediately, I picked up the phone and dialed the first local number off the google search. The first company that answered the phone transferred me to their owner/manager. There were dozens of questions followed by a complex array of statements and caveats. I hung up.

The second company also transferred me to the owner/manager. Three short questions. “100% — I’ll have someone out there within the hour to get that sump pump looked at, then we will call first thing in the morning to start mitigating the water damage.” Done.

Well, not quite insurance and other factors have me still waiting to restore my basement but I have faith in the provider to navigate and resolve this. They know their job and they make it easy.

In the past year, I have had interactions with mechanics, HVAC specialists, dentists, and doctors. “Not a problem…”, “seen this before…”, “easy fix..” are the reactions that make you happy and build trust. In my experience, it is typically well-placed trust. Those who hedge or caveat have a poorer track record by my experience — although these days I avoid them.

Where am I going with this?

In the past year, I also had a one-on-one with the president of the company I was working for at the time. “…one more bit of feedback. Stop telling people it is EASY.” It seems that was causing some angst… but why?

Why is hearing that data problems are easy to fix an issue for so many executives. This was not the first time or place I had heard this. Yet — I don’t consider flood mitigation, HVAC, auto mechanics, dentistry, or medical care easy. Why would it rub me the wrong way when the experienced practitioners I sought for help said it was? Isn’t that why I hired them?

Everyone is Data-Driven. Everyone is an Analyst.

It started around 2010 and has been a consistent feedback for years. It correlates perfectly with — “people don’t like hearing easy”. Is it causal? I think so, but I am experienced enough to know it takes a solid amount of work, data, and discipline to prove it. I’ve spent decades doing the work, building the discipline, and learning how to make this EASY. Is that true of everyone?

The second refrain is — “with today’s technology…”. Seriously? Have you been to Lowes? With today’s technology, I should be a master carpenter, master plumber, and master electrician. Easy right? No! I have neither the experience or the training. That is why I hire professionals. And they make it look easy! And that makes me happy, not defensive.

DIY Data is NOT a thing.

DIY is the pursuit of hobbyists and those (often misguided) people who think they can do it cheaper. Ask a competent zoning inspector how well that typically works out. Better yet, let that super handy brother-in-law of yours handle your next colonoscopy. I mean make sure he spend the night at a Holiday Inn Express and watches some quality YouTube — but what could possibly go wrong?

DIY works great for low risk endeavors. It is fine for personal enjoyment. It belongs nowhere near major corporate decisions and that is exactly what data is all about.

Hire someone who makes it easy!

If it is important, hire someone with the experience to make it easy. In the world of data, analytics, and AI — this is doubly true. Data fuels your decisions OR it distorts them. It is ROI positive OR a cash burn that will frustrate your growth and steal valuable resources. The person who can lead that effort and make it look easy is the one who will do it fastest, with the best cost to benefit ratio, and with the highest impact. Everyone else is just acting the part because someone told them they should.



Decision-First AI
Course Studies

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!