Fake News

A Course Study In True Accountability

Decision-First AI


Let me start by noting that I don’t care how you feel about fake news. But, if you don’t care at all, you likely didn’t click on this article. I really don’t care about your politics. And so, if you were looking for a political spin on this… well there are millions of other articles out there for you to spend some time with, enjoy. This article is about accountability in any organization, fake news is just our muse. So if you find fake news amusing, you likely came to the right place.

Let’s face it. News isn’t what it used to be. Never was… remember yellow journalism? History isn’t so honest either as long as we are holding things accountable. And at its core, that is why the term “fake news” is resonating with much of the American public… and even if you hate it, it is resonating.

Whether Trump’s little Fake News Awards stunt is useful or presidential is an interesting debate (have it elsewhere). The reaction to it has been totally misguided. Sometimes I wonder if that was the plan and other times I think he is just silly… but that is not the issue either.

Clowns like this guy, Stephen Colbert, had lots of fun with it. He is an entertainer. He has every right to. Even if he wants to pretend he is a journalist (the classic sort), he certainly has the right as well. His barbs have a certain aspect of accountability. Assuming accountability is supposed to be amusing…

Clowns like this guy, Jeff Flake, missed the lesson entirely. Full disclosure: as one of only three politicians I have ever donated to, I want to cry a little bit. Quite frankly, the hypocrisy of his own counter spectacle was… well, it might have been more amusing if I could have that PayPal donation back.

Fake News Is About A Failure Of Accountability

Americans have a deep seated belief that the free press should hold our government accountable. As noted earlier, that has not been an entirely realistic concept for centuries. The problem stems from the word “free”. Today we think of free in different terms than the 18th century. Our predecessors had a deeper and ingrained sense of accountability (whether to God, State, Honor, or Markets). Free never meant free of accountability.

Supporters of President Trump note that our press is no longer accountable. His detractors fear that government holding the press accountable will lead to less freedom. Great! At this level, everyone is holding everyone accountable.

Accountability is a two way street.

More specifically, it is a feedback loop. If feedback in one direction is stopped, there is no accountability. And the Trump supporters cheer… If feedback in one direction has more weight or authority than the other, there will be no accountability. Let’s hear from the resist crowd… So neither side is wrong. Accountability was broken and Trump entered the void to fix it. In his own Trumpetity ways..

Accountability can not be built on lies.

But fake news also signals why both sides are wrong. Accountability can not be created through lies. Lies may serve to stem support or counter influence, but they don’t create accountability. So yes, Mr Flake, the president and his administration lie, too. But our government is held accountable by far more than the free press, or at least it is supposed to be. At this point, it is unclear what internal checks and balances or other non-government forces are coming to hold the press accountable? But for all our sake, I wish they would hurry.

Again circling back, the press has been unaccountable for years. The intertwining of news and entertainment is bit more present now than in the past, but that doesn’t mean it is without precedent either. It is a complicated structure. Lots of power. Lots of interests. But all seemingly unbalanced…

So what is the answer?

I never promised you that. I don’t think I am accountable. The point here has been to detail the feedback loop that creates accountability and to note its dependency on the truth.

Dropping down to the more mundane trials and tribulations of your business or organization, you can learn from fake news. Work to keep your organization accountable. Be sure it is a two way street. Managers can only hold other accountable if they themselves are accountable, too. Work to build, empower, and balance internal accountability — that works best.

Finally, recognize when lies have temporarily displaced truth. It won’t last, but the consequences are always severe. Businesses can empower finance and analytic teams to help vet the truth. They can be separated and themselves checked and balanced. Whether you love the American system of government or think it is outdated, it is a system of accountability that lasted a very long time. Your business need only tap a fraction of that longevity.



Decision-First AI

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!