Hans Rosling — Analytic Excellence

Remembering A Legend

Course Studies
Published in
2 min readMar 9, 2017


On February 7, 2017, the analytic world lost a legend. Hans Rosling did it like no other. His TED talks were legendary. He videos were riveting. His insight was clearly delivered and easily absorbed. He was in short — a legend.

In Hans Rosling’s hands, data sings. Global trends in health and economics come to vivid life. And the big picture of global development — with some surprisingly good news — snaps into sharp focus. — TED

Hans was a statistician, a physicist, and one of the most gifted public speakers in the world of analytics. His work is not hard to find. Go to twitter or youtube or his foundation — gapminder, but be warned — his content and delivery are compelling. He has an ability to capture your attention for hours at a time.

He brought data to life. Through his GapMinder foundation, he developed Trendalyzer. This software animates and displays data in a very stimulating way. He built TED talks around his data and spoke passionately to issues like population growth and healthcare.

But Hans didn’t rely solely on digital technology. He utilized props from building block to whiteboards. He connected with his audience. With his passing, the world loses a powerful voice in analytic and education. He will be greatly missed.



Course Studies

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