Learning from History’s Great Leaders

The Captain’s List — Corsair’s Profiles in Leadership Series

Decision-First AI
Course Studies
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2016


Recently Corsair’s Publishing began a new series featuring profiles in leadership. This series draws from the lives and stories of some of the great captains of history and fiction. Through their stories, quotes, and history; we can learn a great deal from these captains.

As of this writing, we have published ten articles featuring a wide array of captains. Our list includes pirates and privateers — as any good list should. We have featured captains of starships and artillery batteries. Our profiles have included captains who would rise to the ranks of General and even Emperor. And just for good measure, we threw in a ninja and a superhero to keep things interesting.

We have also drawn some additional inspiration from The Blacklist. Each article has a unique and seemingly random number, just like NBC’s hit series. Only our numbers aren’t random at all. Can you guess there significance?

#88 Hauptman Erwin Rommel

Before he became the Desert Fox, Rommel was already a model of honor, courage, and leadership.

#100 Captain Makoto Nagano

This King of Sasuke is a master of ingenuity and training, a true Ninja Warrior.

#114 Captain America

Armed with a shield and idealism, Cap is a leader of heroic proportions.

#599 Captain Tameichi Hara

A Japanese Destroyer Captain, Hara was a master of tactical analysis and critical assessment.

#882 Captain Jack Sparrow

Inspiring and memorable as any good fictional pirate should be, Jack leadership style will reset your expectations.

#1678 Captain Sir Henry Morgan

A knight, a rockstar, and a legend — the story of Captain Morgan seems like a fictional tale, but this very real man was the stuff of legends.

#1701 Captain Jean Luc Picard

Engage! No other captain quite compares with Jean Luc Picard. His lessons in leadership are essential for those trying to manage the challenges of the unknown.

#1785 Capitaine Napoleon Bonaparte

Long before the Little Corporal became Emperor of France, he was an artillery captain with unique perception and perspective.

#1813 Captain Jack Aubrey

He is a Master and Commander. ‘Lucky Jack’ is a Renaissance Man with a colorful wit and a knack for ignoring details.

#1820 Acting Captain Harvey Bullock

Harvey Bullock is a man of action and honesty. While his time as captain may be short-lived, his iconic style is a model for front line leadership.

Read them all. Subscribe to read more. And stay tuned to learn what each of the numbers mean, will post the answers in a few weeks.

Corsair’s Profiles in Leadership, Captain’s List is an article format created by Corsair’s Publishing in conjunction with our parent company Corsair’s Ventures. This series seeks to focus the reader on core components of leadership by utilizing the larger-than-life and often fictitious stories of the great captains of history.



Decision-First AI
Course Studies

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!