Cover Art from Depeche Mode… if you were wondering

Music for the Masses

12 Music Themed Articles on Analytics and Business

Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2016


Music inspires. No shock there. Historically, music has been tightly coupled with mathematics, geometry, and astronomy. Perhaps that is a little more interesting? Actually, few accomplished musicians would find that information to be too startling. But somehow, many scientists seem to forget or never know at all.

Occasionally, we like to publish a music (or musician) inspired article to remind our analyst and business readers just how important and inspirational music can be.

It began just one year ago… it was a bit vanilla.

Then sadly, we honored a legend…

We learned from Epic Rap Battles…

…and aspiring pop stars.

We had fun with Love Songs.

We wrote our first parody… yeah Billy!

We experimented with old school hip hop…

…and educated with Mnemonics.

An alternative soundtrack?

An anthem for List Management?

We added a little Bacon… to the Smiths!

And finally, we got down wit KPI

Some of these were a little corny. Almost all were a little nerdy. But after all, we are Analyst by Nature. We hope that everyone inspired you!

For a little more serious inspiration — consider:

Corsair’s Publishing features hundreds of articles. Many include elements from music and pop culture. All are intended to inspire. Check us out here-



FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!