The Captain’s List

Corsair’s Profiles in Leadership Series

Decision-First AI
3 min readAug 26, 2016

At Corsair’s Publishing, we publish quite a few different article formats and series. The Captain’s List is one of our more popular titles. It was inspired by our namesake and NBC’s The Blacklist. Each article features a Captain from history or popular fiction and focuses on two specific attributes that contributed to their fame and success as leaders.

To add a little additional interest and to better model the theme of James Spader’s hit series, we also give each Captain a number. These numbers have some significance in the captain’s life. Erwin Rommel #88 employed anti-aircraft guns against enemy tanks. These field pieces were known as 88s. Captain Kirk #2233 was born March 22 of that year, or is it a stardate? See if you can guess the importance of the other Captain’s numbers. Most aren’t quite this easy.

A New Channel and A New Home

To celebrate the success of this series, we are adding a new channel and a new home. While we will still feature these articles on our Career Accelerator magazine across its many channels, we are creating a new Captain’s List magazine. The magazine will reside on Flipboard and focus purely on strategy and leadership. We are also adding a new collection on our Google+ page. While we hope readers enjoy all our articles, we know that many of you like specific formats and themes. These new launches should accommodate.

Other Innovations Are In The Works

We are also looking forward to some new ideas down the road. As not all Captain’s are awesome, perhaps we will start a new series on classic military blunders? Or maybe we can pit our Captain’s in an epic leadership battle? Who would win in a battle between Jack Sparrow and Jack Aubrey… cursed pirate ships aside? Who is the better leader? Who has the better skills? More to come…

What About More Captains?

No worries. We have pirate hunters, her majesties Rangers, and the classic rogue from Neverland. We have Captain’s of Industry, sports captains, and plenty more to keep the articles coming. We also promise to keep the attributes and profiles new. Horatio Nelson taught us determination, so we see no reason to revisit that with another Captain.

And Finally, Keep The Feedback Coming…

Corsair’s Profiles in Leadership, Captain’s List is an article format created by Corsair’s Publishing in conjunction with our parent company Corsair’s Ventures. This series seeks to focus the reader on core components of leadership by utilizing the larger-than-life and often fictitious stories of the great captains of history.



Decision-First AI

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!