Think Three Steps Ahead… Just Don’t Trip

The Struggle Of Many Analysts

Decision-First AI
4 min readAug 23, 2017


Great analysts think ahead. Aspiring analysts do as well. But great analysts remember to watch their step, while aspiring analysts often trip. Truthfully, even a great analyst is known to #faceplant on occasion.

Great analysts have enthusiasm. They have passion and curiosity. But curiosity “killed the cat” and focusing too long on enthusiasms can result in a baseball bat to the back of the head. It is far too common for aspiring and enthusiastic analysts to overlook ‘present needs’ with their eye on ‘future glories’. They forget, temporarily, that analytics is iterative. If you don’t focus on each step, you run the risk of major set backs. Three steps forward can result in a complete ‘do-over’ or worse.

In the movie, The Untouchables, Al Capone (Robert De Niro) gives us an unforgettable rant on Enthusiasms and how they can distract you. His emphasis is ‘from being a team player’, but the idea works for us too. An analyst who succumbs to looking too far ahead and missing critical steps, is very liable to make a recommendation based on totally bogus data. Depending on how critical that recommendation was, a baseball bat to the head may seem preferable.

It Can Drive You Crazy

Keep your eye on the prize or keep your eye on the ball? Which is it? Both, unfortunately. Unlike an athlete, analysts can’t rely on muscle memory and subconscious processes to see them through. Actually… that isn’t true. But it is the exact opposite of how an athlete or other physical skill would operate. Analyst need to file ‘three steps ahead’ ideas to ‘the back of their mind’. Focus needs to be on the step at hand. Trust me, no matter how ‘good’ you get — the next #faceplant is only one ‘taken for granted’ step ahead.

It is an ancient truth — at least since the 80's

You need to have a plan. Plan the destination and file it away. Plan the steps and never compromise on your execution path.

Code checks and audits, simple distributions and other validations aren’t sexy. They are not fun, but learn to relish the destination. When ‘a plan comes together’ there is plenty of ‘enthusiasms’ to be had. It also won’t hurt if you have quality support… perhaps an A-Team (if you can find them).

Is there any hope for those with an eye for the future, but little love for the details? There is some… though be careful. Great business intelligence tools can automate many of the steps that humans find so horribly boring. It is something for which automation, machines, and computers truly excel. They just don’t get bored.

Just be careful. Solutions from a box can sound wonderful, but they are just tools. You still need to have the proper constraints and a plan.

Tools will save you time. They cannot save you, if you start skipping steps. Although a good alerts system may at least keep you from presenting invalid findings. Either way tools are an investment in allowing humans to focus on more important things. If your humans get distracted by enthusiasms… this won’t be much help.

In summary, keep your eye on the ball. Keep the big vision in the back of your mind. Make a plan. Get a team. Get some great tools. But focus on execution and avoid the distractions of enthusiasm. You can enjoy them once the plan comes together. Thanks for reading!



Decision-First AI

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!