You are what you measure. Make it count.

If you want to increase your training business then focus on what matters and turn every review into action.

Donna Cooper
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2018


As a training provider, it’s almost certain that you already collect feedback from everyone you train, but are you fully utilising this very valuable asset?

Can you currently:

  • Get immediate, accurate, measurable access to delegate feedback?
  • Be confident that the results you are seeing can be trusted?
  • Use feedback, in a trusted manner, as an effective sales and marketing tool?

If you answered “yes” to the above then it’s likely you are already using a digital feedback system that allows your delegates to submit their feedback, in confidence, and guides you in gathering ALL the information you need to evaluate the performance of your courses, and of the educators who have delivered the training. (You can skip down to the “turn delegate feedback into a powerful tool” section of this article.)

If you answered “no” is this because you still believe in quantity over actionable quality?

Some time ago we published an article entitled: Here’s why you should ditch paper and go digital when collecting course feedback.

When outlining these benefits to course providers the one question we get asked more than any other is how to ensure the quantity of digtial responses matches the current (almost 100%) response rates for printed feedback forms.

The answer always remains the same: Is it more important to have a questionable “100%” response rate, regardless of the fact delegates may not feel comfortable to share negative opinions directly with their trainer, or is it more important to have a 60–80% response rate which immediately delivers results you can interrogate and that you can utilise inside, and outside, of the business?

Turn delegate feedback into a powerful sales tool

Drive traffic to your website, increase brand awareness and get your training and events trending online.

88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Online reviews have a huge impact, not only in terms of presenting potential delegates with peer-to-peer recommendations. Promoting your business on a review site considerably improves search engine visibility too.

Search engines can recognize reviews for what they are, and this form of content is ranked higher than other content because of its perceived value to people searching. Google really values ratings and reviews and rewards businesses that have positive reviews posted on trusted third-party sites. Numerous positive reviews indicate that a listing is highly appropriate for its users.

Google automatically adds Google stars to search results based on reviews, which helps them stand out. Better still, according to Google, people clicking on search results that feature stars, are three times more likely to make a purchase.

See it in action

Without exception, the value and importance placed upon delegate feedback is absolute. Watch this video and see Coursecheck’s digital feedback system which includes tailored feedback forms, dashboard analytics and monitoring, delegate response mechanism and more…


For learning providers, online delegate feedback isn’t just designed to replace paper feedback forms. These are powerful analytical tools which give you the ability to respond immediately to feedback and when handled correctly helps you understand what’s going well and what’s not. When you utilise your learner feedback appropriately, it can also be an extremely powerful marketing tool that delivers immeasurable business benefits.

Additional reading:

“Reviews can make (or break) a business and it’s true for the B2B industry too!”

About Coursecheck

Coursecheck is a comprehensive training survey system. Designed specifically for both commercial training providers and in-house learning departments, the system delivers powerful reporting, analytics and alerts.

Launched in 2015, Coursecheck now hosts in excess of 20,000 validated customer reviews and is growing rapidly.



Donna Cooper

Mum of 3. Business Owner / Marketeer in the tech industry. Trustee for a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) with focus on Pastoral Care. Advocate of autism awareness.