Some online courses the White House team could definitely use

Valentijn v/den Hout
5 min readOct 23, 2017


“Trump is confused.” Credits Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images

Online education gives access to knowledge and skills to everybody with an internet connection, and we can all profit from it. However, there seems to be a particular group that could really use some help finding the right path. We have sifted through our course database on Courseroot and have picked out the online courses each White House team member could definitely benefit from. Enjoy!

Jared Kushner

“Middle East 101. Become an expert overnight.”

I think we can all agree that you don’t “just” fix the Middle East. We want to help Jared out and provide him with some basics that can function as the foundation for his job of the century.

“Learn about the Middle East and speak with confidence after a few short and easy to follow videos. Learn from an expert.”

Besides this course, which showcases itself with some pretty extreme imagery, we suggest upgrading to a more academic level with “The Emergence of the Modern Middle East — Part I” provided by the Tel Aviv University via Coursera.

Good luck Jared. Thank god it’s your only job… *It’s his only job right?… It isn’t?… He needs to do what?!*

Rex Tillerson

“Career: 10 Things To Do When You Really Hate Your Job”

Rex has been in some hot water recently after he (allegedly) called the President a “ f*ing moron”. Shortly after he took the job of Secretary of State we found out that Rex did not really want to take the job, though his wife urged him to. Doing a job that you do not like is quite the struggle. Having your hard work be blown to bits with tweets from your boss...? The struggle becomes a bit bigger.

So, come on Rex, let’s make you love your job with this course from Udemy. It’s only $35,-. Pretty sweet deal.

Betsy deVos

“What future for education?”

It seems to be a common thread that the people Trump assigns to a job, do not have a proper background in that particular field. Similarly, Betsy deVos was assigned as Secretary of Education, though never attended, worked in, or send her own kids to public school. She also seemed to have a lot of difficulty answering questions on her own views on education in her confirmation hearing. Actually, answering questions in general seemed difficult for her. So, in order to help her out we decided to recommend her a course on the future of education, which helps her to “critically examine her own ideas about education, teaching, and learning”. Should benefit all of the future generation.

“Through this course you will start to critically examine your own ideas about education, teaching and learning.”

John F. Kelly

“Family Child Day Care Home and In-Home Provider Orientation”

Given that the White House seems to have become an adult day care center (not my words) with John Kelly as the one to keep everything together (as far as that’s possible), we thought he could use some guidance on how to run it.

This course helps John understand his role and responsibilities in dealing with the President. Keeping children healthy and safe, and setting up a daily schedule for the children; it’s all in there. Good luck, John. We wish you the best.

Melania Trump

“Endnote X7 Software, Referencing, and Plagiarism”

We really did our best here, though there are very little courses on how NOT to plagiarize. Probably because it’s so self-evident. It is especially the last part Melania could profit from if she wants to prevent another “Hey, isn’t that Michelle’s speech?” moment.

“Also, Understand Plagiarism Basics and Avoidance”

Kellyanne Conway

“Fake News, Facts, and Alternative Facts”

Now, we haven’t properly heard of Kellyanne over the last few weeks. She has been laying low. Though, who can forget her struggle with facts, the news, and reality in itself. We found a course that is literally made for her by the University of Michigan and provided by edX. Everybody is reaching out here. Take our hand.

“Learn how to distinguish between credible news sources and identify information biases to become a critical consumer of information.”

Mike Pence

“Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace”

From the moment we really gotten to know Mike Pence, we have also gotten to know his lack of support for equality and diversity. It was even in 1999 that Mike Pence showed his innate ability to sniff out attacks on the oh-so-fragile status of the white male, when he pointed out Mulan, clearly, was “Walt Disney’s attempt to add childhood expectation to the cultural debate over the role of women in the military” (BuzzFeed, 2016)… So, in order to help Mike Pence get back to the 21st century and acquire an inclusive mindset, we present an amazing course created by the University of Pittsburgh.

“What is sex? What is gender? What is sexuality? What do we mean by LGBTQIA? How are these concepts related to the workplace? How have our understandings of these terms changed over time… To help you answer these important questions, this course will introduce you to the exciting field of gender, sexuality, and women’s studies, and to LGBTQIA identities.”

Hopefully he can get through it. You can do it, Mike!

Donald Trump

We searched. We did. But unfortunately, there is no course that can help this man… Sorry America. We would love to tell you there is. Just ain’t happening.

“Sorry.” Credits: John Gurzinski — AFP/Getty Images.

“We want you!” to help us out find the best online courses for the other members of Trump’s White House

We would love to hear what online courses you think could help out the White House. Here are some people to consider:

Ben Carson — Secretary of Housing
James N. Mattis — Secretary of Defense
Jeff Sessions — Attorney General
Rick Perry — Secretary of Energy
Ben Carson — Secretary of Housing
Scott Pruitt— Head of the E.P.A.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders — Press Secretary

Also, not included anymore but they can still use our help:
Steve Bannon
Reince Priebus
Anthony “Front-Stabber” Scaramucci
Sean Spicer

Just leave your thoughts in the comments. Take care!

You can sift through all the online courses from the most popular platforms right here on Courseroot.

