Illustration: Dan Reich

Trump and the Easter Resurrection

Boldly Going Where No Messianic Complex Has Gone Before

Dan Reich
Courting My Muse
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2020


The symbolism of Trump’s Easter Resurrection, misguided as every health expert in the world has suggested it is, is pretty hard to miss. The man who has said “only I can save you” almost as a default, has never lacked for self-confidence. Giving himself “10 out of 10” for his performance during the pandemic and revealing that there is no subject he is not an expert on has left Trump in the position of having very little room to go if he wants to top himself. And he always does. Want to, that is.

So he’s done the only thing left for him…compare himself, and none too ambiguously, to Jesus Christ. Regularly casting himself as a martyr isn’t enough any more, he’s got to go all in. His evangelical base will probably give thanks (and money) for this gesture, but it’s hard to view it in any but the most cynical terms. The stock market and the re-election train were humming nicely. Then this. Well, enough! Let’s get back to work! On Easter!

Donald John Trump will proclaim that he raised America from the dead. If he has his way, it’s likely to do the exact opposite.



Dan Reich
Courting My Muse

I like to write, play music, sketch, design things and take pictures of stuff no one else sees. I reinvent myself on a daily basis.