Covalent 0.7 for Angular 2.0 Released

Kyle Ledbetter
Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2016

Just in time for the stable release of Angular 2.0, Covalent has received a massive update! Covalent is Teradata’s Open-Source Angular 2.0 Material Design UI Platform.

Congrats to the Angular 2 project & contributors! What a monumental world-wide open-source effort!

tl;dr: Supporting Angular 2 RC7, Angular-Material 2.0 alpha8, TypeScript 2.0, NgModule & umd.js. Adding new Mock API & Axure libraries.


Teradata UX made the right choice with ng2

4 months ago, after riding the ng2-high of ng-conf 2016, the newly formed Teradata UX team had a hackathon in Austin. We weighed Angular 1.x, Angular 2.x, React, and Polymer for the Teradata UI Platform (which became Covalent).

In true agile fashion, the team hacked over a week and presented their prototypes, and all agreed on Angular 2. It was still a fairly volatile dev environment, but we wanted to bank on the future as much as possible. Needless to say we’re pleased with that decision :)

Angular 2.0 Updates

There were a ton of last minute breaking changes in RC6 & RC7 for Angular 2, and Covalent now supports all of them. However, angular-cli now supports Webpack as a build option but there are several bugs, so despite our best efforts we won’t support that until our next release 0.8 in a few weeks.

Angular-Material 2.0 Alpha 8

Along with Angular RC7+ support, we also support the latest in Angular-Material (Design). There are still some key missing Angular-Material components, but you can feel the momentum gaining. Covalent is there for you, filling some value gaps (chips & autocomplete, stepper, expansions panels & so much MOAR).

New Axure Widgets Library

Create interactive prototypes w/ Axure RP & Covalent

Axure RP is a key piece to the UX Design puzzle. We’ve crafted an extensive Covalent Axure RP widget library which is the seamless bridge from our Sketch template to production Angular 2.0 applications.

Download / Demo

Covalent Data: Mock API Server

An example YAML data schema in Covalent Data

Anyone who’s ever prototyped in code knows the pain of creating mock data. It’s copy & paste hell and unmanageable.

A thrilling addition to the Covalent platform is the all new Go Mock Data API Server which ships with the Covalent Quickstart (or can be used standalone). We’ve created this incredibly powerful prototyping tool, which allows you to edit a simple YAML file to provide a schema for a completely local API server with mock data.

Covalent Data allows you to develop a prototype that will seamlessly segue into a production app, simply by changing a URL for an API endpoint.

Covalent Quickstart

The best Angular 2.0 Quickstart on the web

The new Covalent Quickstart Dashboard

With the combination of Angular 2.0 updates, new Covalent components, Covalent Data, unit test and e2e test examples, and complex Material Design UX flows, the Covalent Quickstart app is truly your best entry into the Angular 2.0 world.

Soup-to-nuts, you can go from zero to production in the blink of an eye with the Covalent Quickstart.

Docs / Repo / Demo

Teradata Open Source: Powered by Covalent

Check out the new home for Teradata’s open source projects hosted on Github!

Powered by Github

Improvements, Features, Bugfixes, Breaking Changes

Check out the full changelog for the tons of updates we’ve made in the past weeks.

View Covalent Changelog

What’s Next? Webpack, D3 Charts & MOAR!

We’ve already got a td-charts branch, building D3 v4 modular components in Covalent and Angular 2.0. We’ll have a preview ready by our next 0.8 release!

A preview of Covalent Charts w/ Material Design

We’ll also continue working on our Webpack branch and hopefully have that ready as well.

Lastly, we’re extending the Covalent Quickstart to include Covalent Templates for app-specific UX such as Mail apps:

Back to you, what do you think?



Kyle Ledbetter

VP of Design at Credo AI — Former UX leader for Teradata, eBay, MicroStrategy and Sears Holdings.