Covalent 0.9 for Angular 2.2 released

Kyle Ledbetter
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2016

Huge data-table updates, search box component, pagination component, new expansion panel & stepper features, full scss theme support, and Angular 2.2 + Angular-Material alpha.10 updates.

Covalent 0.9

Teradata UX is extremely pleased to announce the immediate availability of Covalent 0.9!
Github / Docs & Demo / Changelog

Data-table updates

  • Atomic data table components: td-data-table, td-data-table-column, td-data-table-row & td-data-table-cell elements
  • Table cell template support: ng2 template to customize table cells
  • Search box & pagination component integration: integrate the new search/pagination components into a data-table


Search box component (new)

Two new search components (input & box) that work well as standalone inputs, in cards and in toolbars. Search can also query while being typed, or require using the enter key if the search index is large. The searchbox can also work with data-tables as outlined above.


Pagination component (new)

A page bar component intended to work with a true search API endpoint. The page bar supports page size, rows per page, page count, and page navigation with option first/last buttons.


Expansion Panel updates

More flexibility with expansions has been added so you can use ng2 template to customize the label, sublabel, or the entire expansion panel header. Disabled panels are now supported.


Stepper updates

A fully customizable step label ng2 template has been added so the label supports custom HTML instead of plain text strings.


Full angular-material2 theme support

All Covalent components now receive all dynamically adjusted SCSS theme.scss variables.

Layouts updates & fixes

The card-over layout now supports custom card width, and the manage-list & nav-list layouts received significant bugfixes in Safari & Firefox.


Special thanks to the contributors who made this release happen with pull requests, code reviews, and new issues. The Covalent community is growing!

What’s next?

Up next is Covalent 0.10, the last planned release of the alpha series! We’re planning a significant overhaul to our Angular2 D3 charts library components, JSON-driven dynamic forms & a few other special treats.



Kyle Ledbetter

VP of Design at Credo AI — Former UX leader for Teradata, eBay, MicroStrategy and Sears Holdings.