Covalent Beta 4 released!

Kyle Ledbetter
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2017

Data Tables take center stage in Covalent 1.0.0-beta.4

tl;dr: Lots of Data Table features, Loader async/boolean support, new Messages component, Pagination jump ahead features, and Angular v4 loading optimization (also Datepicker from Angular-Material beta.5!)

Github / Docs & Demo / Changelog

Important note: To enforce optimized bundle size & lazy loading, the CovalentCoreModule has been removed so you only import what you need (it’s a good thing).

New Data Table Features

The Covalent Data Table is one of the most widely used component in Teradata products so we’re focusing efforts around popular feature requests such as keyboard support for tabbing & selection, hiding columns, customizing search options and click events on rows.

Keyboard multi-selection with shift + space/enter is a productivity dream!

New Loading Features

Loading now supports async observables and manual toggles, which provides more granular control.

New Messages Component

An all new component for providing user feedback via colors messages with icons, label & sublabel, perfect for alerts, info, warning, errors, and success messages.

New Pagination Features

The Pager component now has an optional page jump feature with the ability to set a custom number of links. When advancing, the current page will intelligently jump to the center focus.

Other improvements:

Disable adding of chips

New File service formData property & cancel event

contentReady event binding for Highlight & Markdown

Optional navigationRoute for Layouts

Angular v4.1 & Material beta.5 support

What’s up next for Covalent?

As we continue the march to a Release Candidate, Data Table will receive more advanced features (like multi column sort & advanced filtering), and Autocomplete will receive new template options.



Kyle Ledbetter

VP of Design at Credo AI — Former UX leader for Teradata, eBay, MicroStrategy and Sears Holdings.