Covee’s first Airdrop: Bootstrapping our marketplace with 7000 users

About our Airdrop and how this helped us build an open community.

Covee Network
Covee Network
4 min readAug 16, 2018


Hi everyone! Covee ran its first airdrop campaign in July, and we’re excited to share the results with you. The campaign was much more successful than we imagined, and we’re thrilled that people are excited about the possibilities of using our platform as a revolutionary, blockchain-powered tool for fostering borderless collaboration among knowledge workers.

But before we do that, we first want to thank everyone who participated in the campaign. Our community has grown substantially, partly because of the campaign and, of course, because of the enthusiasm of all those who are following Covee along its journey of building a great platform that will benefit so many people in so many parts of the world.

Covee’s community in numbers

One of the main reasons behind the choice to have an airdrop is that it gives an opportunity to everyone to participate in the ecosystem. As opposed to a token sale, where people with more disposable funds dominate the distribution, an airdrop allows for a more even distribution (because of the presence of a cap to the number of tokens one can earn) to a more diverse set of people.

More than 7000 participants from 118 different countries took part in the airdrop campaign. Here is a map highlighting where they came from. Because we believe in an open and fair future of work, the free access to our tokens — and therefore to our ecosystem — is important to us.

Covee is represented by its participants in 118 countries of the world

Our token, which is called XCV, will eventually be traded on exchanges, and everyone will have access to them. Again, we wanted to maximise access to our tokens, so we opened the airdrop campaign to anyone instead of offering a public token sale that would have limited access to potential participants.

We attempted to target people who would likely participate in our platform once it’s formally launched, but we did so in a way that reached out to all kinds of people regardless of their social status. Thus, it was a challenge to categorize the people whom we targeted with the airdrop. Despite this, we did manage to onboard a diverse range of knowledge workers through the campaign, as you can see in the graphic below.

The segmentation of the Knowledge Workers among the Airdrop participants

While a wide range of knowledge workers, who saw value and potential in Covee’s platform, joined our airdrop — from Engineers to Data scientists — we believe Covee has the potential to attract an even wider set of professionals.

We see participation from all parts of the world as a result of the increasing popularity of freelancing around the world.

People increasingly want to enjoy the freedom of choice, when it comes to projects to work on. Also, the general adoption of blockchain-based ecosystems is on the rise, which fostered the success of our campaign.

Of course, among the thousands of people, who earned Covee tokens, there were some bounty-hunters that claimed the tokens mainly because of the financial incentive. That is great, and we hope that our product eventually converts them into believers of freelancing!

The next step for Covee is to become an open-source project. We firmly believe in accessibility of our product to everyone, both to users and developers.

Open-sourcing offers complete transparency and allows the community to contribute to the development efforts, which is something we are looking forward to. In the near future, the community will be given a chance to interact with our smart contract source code, test it and improve it. Making Covee a fully transparent and open platform will allow everyone to join it, find projects they would love working on and and be able to make a living out of it.

In order to build a strong Developer Community , we have established a Discord channel, where everything related to our protocol source code and user interface can be discussed. We are inviting the knowledge workers of the world to join us and contribute to the Future of Work!

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Covee Network
Covee Network

The trusted platform for knowledge workers. Covee helps smart people find teammates — and matches them with rewarding projects.