A Peek into the Future with Cove Identity

Cove Identity
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2018

Disclaimer: This is not a cool sci-fi depiction of our world in 2050 with robots and flying cars. This is a peek into the future that is much closer on the horizon, so close that we are beginning to experience it even as you read this!

This future is of identity management and how rest of the things will evolve around it. A time of self-sovereign identity, an identity you ‘own’.

In one of our earlier posts we discussed identity, it’s structure and dawn of self-sovereign identity, so we’ll not go into those details again. Here we’ll go one step beyond and see how the world will operate once this new form of identity management becomes the standard and also how secure you’ll be with a decentralized, immutable ledger holding your ‘KEY’.

Fade in…

The almost silent yet insistent vibration of your watch finally wakes you up. It’s 4 AM but you have an early morning flight to catch. Not much time left, breakfast will be at the airport after check-in. A quick shower, shave and crisp navy suit later you are ready for your cab. On your way to the airport you pull out your phone to get up to date on the proceedings.

87 unread messages from your team! You usually don’t get work messages until office starts but today is different. It’s Monday, a big day, one of the largest M&As is about to take place and your team is auditing the books on behalf of your client. The offshore unit has already prepared and shared a brief and your work-stream. The discussion is sensitive but since the chat is fully encrypted everything can be discussed securely. You need to send them a scan copy of some documents for further analysis but can’t trust email servers for the same. You use your fully encrypted app to scan the documents and they are instantly saved on the most safe zero-knowledge decentralized server. You temporarily ‘share’ your docs with your office team which only they can access using their ‘Private Key’. That’s taken care of!

At the airport you pull out your phone and again use the app to retrieve your ticket. The same is scanned at the kiosk and you are let in. A coffee and short flight later you land at your destination.

At immigration you again pull out your phone and through biometric access generate a QR on the app which is scanned at the kiosk to validate your identity, to give you clearance. The system anonymously validates you and your identity through verification on the blockchain. Your visa is also instantly emailed to you.

Next on to the assignment. You go to the car hire kiosk and this time it scans the QR code validating your license, again anonymously on the blockchain, and you are provided keys to an almost brand new looking Tesla X. Sightseeing will need to wait, time to put the car on auto-drive mode and prepare for the day’s tasks. The docs you sent have been analyzed and the results safely shared with you via the same app. By the time you reach the office you are caught up on everything and looks like it shouldn’t be a long day, maybe you’ll get to take the Tesla X off road after all.

Fade out!

That was a small example about how travel, documentation, collaboration, interaction with smart objects can all be made more convenient and secure using blockchain and self-sovereign identity. No one entity controls or owns your details and everything is documented and validated on the blockchain. That’s precisely what we, at Cove Identity, are working on, helping build an ecosystem around the two. Today, you can use the Cove app to do almost everything mentioned above, from chat to file storage and sharing to zero-knowledge signup and identity validation, all in a completely secure and safe way.

And the applications are immense. From securely sharing health data, to getting and storing degree certificates, running credit score checks, settling insurance claims, everything is possible using self-sovereign identity and blockchain.

Download Cove today and be part of the revolution!

