CDC — Community Guidelines

Covenant University Developers Community
3 min readMay 29, 2017

As a community, we recognized the need to set standard principles to create a safe and enriching place for all our members. Our guidelines are principles we live by which cover everything about the community.

This is not a rule book BTW. It’s a little flexible.

If you have any suggestions about guides to add/remove, please reach out here or on Slack.

General guidelines

  • The community is to help each other grow as developers and encourage us to build things together. Use it as such.
  • Strict no-jerk policy.
  • If you ever feel like you are not good enough to contribute or ask questions remember we are all just learning.
  • If you have any questions, please feel comfortable to ask the community or find someone to ask. Someone has most likely solved the issue you have.
  • Please do not cuss. We cannot emphasize that enough. It’s not pretty. Stay positive and respectful.

Our slack group

CDC has a group on Slack, one of the best platforms for team communication. Majority of our communications and activity are in our Slack group.

To get greater value from our community we recommend newbies and already existing members to download the Slack app. So you can actively participate and not become a ghost member.

For Newbies

  • Download the slack app or just go to the website (if you don’t like apps lol).
  • Join cudevgroup here. If you have an email account, you can register. If you don’t, you can request for an invite from OJ, one of our team admins.
  • Feel free to introduce yourself in the#general channel.

About our Channels

We have various channels open to all members of the community to join conversations at your discretion.

To help with future scaling efforts, we are trying to be as lean as we can. Hence, creation of channels and number of channels created are done actively and purposefully.

That said:

Current Channels

  • #general — All community related banter.
  • #gigs— Post all job/quick freelance stuff you have for us here
  • #open_source_ideas — Discuss ideas on OS projects to work on as a community.
  • #random — Jokes, Random comments, Arsenal’s title prospects.
  • #frontend_dev — HTML,CSS, Javascript and the likes for web.
  • #backend_dev — PHP, Python, Node.js, frameworks etc.
  • #dev_general — General dev stuff e.g DevOps, APIs, IDEs etc.
  • #android_dev — Java, Ionic, Xamarin etc.
  • #ios_dev — Swift, Ionic, Xamarin etc.
  • #design — UI, UX.
  • #writers — Brainstorm ideas/topics, criticize, suggest for articles on CDC’s blog.

Creating Channels

  • Feel free to create private channels as you wish.
  • If you have any ideas about a useful channel, contact an admin and he/she will either create it and invite anyone or allow you do so.
  • Only create public channels that you know will be needed. Any public channel that has less than ten active members will be archived by an admin.

Archiving/Deleting Channels

  • If you see any channel that needs to be archived, tell an admin to do so.
  • Please do not archive any channels on your own volition.

Also, please post in the appropriate channel. When we become badass enough we’ll use a Slackbot to ensure this lol.


We currently have 6 admins. Feel free to reach out to any of them anytime. Their handles on the Slack are:

  • @uncoooloj
  • @opeonikute
  • @sesan
  • @godwinolatunde
  • @smahrt
  • @nicholaskajoh

We honestly can’t wait to build great things with you.

Suggestions on how we can improve these are always welcome. They aren’t set in stone.

