How I re-designed Air Peace’s website, a UX Case Study (Andela ALC — Take a climb challenge)

Andikan Bassey
Covenant University Developers Community
4 min readApr 22, 2018


Choose a site to redesign and write a case study about it.

Air Peace

Air Peace is a commercial airliner that began operations in Nigeria sometime in 2013.

Here’s what their current site looks like

To do a redesign that fixes it’s problems, I first of all had to show it to people and ask what they observed, and here’s what I got from that.


From the few questions I asked there, I’ve been able to discover that:

  1. People like booking tickets online
  2. Some people that have used Air Peace are just okay with their service
  3. Most of them hate the service they get online and wish it could be changed

Their pain points specifically are:

The landing page’s design

The booking selection

The search feature

Compatibility with mobile devices

Site Comparisons

Before I began my design in Sketch, I first looked up other airline sites that have a much better design to see what patterns they have used and how they could help me with my design .


On opening Lufthansa’s website, and after selecting my country, I discovered that they had a simple modal neatly separated with tabs that allow you to book your flight, hotel and also to rent a cab on arrival.


Emirate’s website is much simpler as the got my country immediately. But the same trend appeared (the sweet modal) and I noticed that on Air Peace’s website, the navigation was plain broken and also it’s tabs are vertically arranged, while the other sites have horizontally positioned tabs.

From all of this research, the one thing I could point out was that, the service was not totally bad (the user experience), it just required too much trial and error. And that because of the landing page’s poor arrangement, people just feel discouraged and look for an alternative (Dana Air, Arik Air, Medview ).


User Flow

Userflow diagram designed in Overflow App

Initial Sketches

After the sketches were done I then proceeded to do a hi- fidelity mockup and then create a clickable prototype.

Hi — res Mockup

You can test out the prototype here

I’m currently working on usability tests and I’m welcome to feedback on it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post !!!

