The Game Development Dream

John Ayeni
Covenant University Developers Community
2 min readOct 31, 2017

The Dream

When it comes to video games, I could never get enough of them. While in high school, I became so fascinated with games that I consciously read about released games on wikis and game critic sites. Soon my reading became more like research, I went as far as finding out about the engine used for the game and the development process of games.

Soon I began to think, “Is it possible for me to make these games”. At that time, I didn’t really use the Internet to its full potential, because I didn’t know much about programming or how software actually worked. Fast forward to picking my field of study for University, this wasn’t really a hard choice picking Computer Science because I knew it would lead me to where I wanted to be.

The journey so far

Since then, I have come to understand and know a lot, if not everything about how games really work. I got introduced to the Unity Game Engine in 2015, but I started using in 2016. Currently it is called Unity 5 and there is a free version that beginners and indie game developers can use. The Unity Engine can be used to make games basically on any platform you can think of. I found it very easy to get used to the environment and understand how it works.

A while ago, I followed a Unity tutorial on making a Space Shooter game and another a Youtube tutorial on making a Simple Car Racing Game. So far, I have been able to build a little upon my knowledge from the car racing tutorial and I finally feel closer to being a Game developer. I plan to build a role playing game soon on mobile targeted for next year August.

This is what I have being able to come up with so far- I know it does not look like much at all but its a start
I have a long way before this far, but now I know where am going

The game industry is rapidly evolving and becoming more advanced as days pass and Multiplayer games are becoming more popular, for example games like Over watch and League of legends. Even the Electronic Athletes population is growing fast. This shows game development isn’t just a leisure tool anymore as making games require lots of study and research to really create a life like experience.

I would really love to work at a game Company like EA or Blizzard and maybe one day start my own Gaming Company.

As a conclusion I just want to say,

Why only play games when you can make ‘em

