The Alchemist

Neville Craig Kumar
Cover 2 Cover
Published in
1 min readSep 7, 2020
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You search for the alchemist you know.
The one whose words,
Made you believe;
That even the lead in your soul,
Could be transformed
Into gold.

But he’s not there.
He’s not there.
He’s not there.

You fell in love with his fire,
And like a moth to a flame,
You were led by desire
Without so much as a name.
So you continue you search, in vain.
Deaf to the cries of your heart,
And numb to the pain.

For he’s gone.
Yes, he’s gone.
Oh, he’s gone.

You drown your sorrows in potions,
Mumbled enchantments you cast.
Though you’re going through the motions
And their spells, seldom last.
Till you realize that not even the universe
Conspires; with those it mires
Unless they too, in pursuit, are immersed.

And life goes on,
Life goes on
Life goes on.


Inspired by the title of Paulo Cohelo’s most famous book — ‘The Alchemist’



Neville Craig Kumar
Cover 2 Cover

Writer for beyourself,Poetry in Form. Editor for Cover 2 Cover. Two anthologies I’m a part of— |