A Love Letter to My Darling Subway Ads (Thanks for Always Being There)

Sage Lazzaro
Cover Story
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2018

My dear,

There’s no one I’d rather spend this day with than you.

After many years together, it’s only become clearer you’re everything I need. No matter where I go, you’re always by my side (or above my head). No matter how long the trip takes, I have your wit and thoughtfulness to keep me entertained. You truly know me, and you get me in a way those TV ads never could. Between your quips and the way you surround me, you have a way of grabbing my attention. I can’t keep my eyes off you.

Our routine is like clockwork, never skipping a beat. I slog through my morning as you help me through signal malfunctions and crowded cars with a wink. After a stressful day, you’re there for me again, sometimes offering a reminder, and other times a new idea. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

You probably know this by the way I’ve been staring, but I can’t get enough of your StreetEasy copy. It’s so whimsical and subtly informative, always showing and only lightly selling. It’s funny, like actually funny (not just for an ad). Even when I think I know everything you have to offer, I’m left surprised and delighted with a complete train takeover. I shake my head, smirking, and feel like you must know me personally.

Photo: StreetEasy

Oh, I see you hanging there Seamless — you hit all my demographic buttons. By acknowledging my lifestyle, I know you see me for me. Does any company know a young New Yorker’s hectic life better than Seamless? I say no. This love affair started early on, and now it’s happening all over again. You make me laugh and feel understood — and isn’t that what every millennial woman wants? I downloaded that app as fast as you could say “underground wifi.”

Photo: Seamless

And I swoon for a glimpse of The Poetry Society of America. Those words of yours transport me to places I’d rather be. They’re art in themselves, going straight to my heart. Especially that one poem in particular. I can’t remember it now, but that’s OK — I know you’ll show it to me again. You always do.

Photo: The Poetry Society of America

It’s true we have our problems, like when you insist on talking about The Big Bang Theory (which you know I hate). And sometimes you just go on and on when you know I prefer you short and sweet. And let us not forget Dr. Zizmor (may he be enjoying his retirement).

But I just want to say thank you. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for always comforting me, especially in dark times (when the power cuts or my phone battery dies) and when I need you most (when we’re delayed due to a sick passenger or an “earlier incident”).

Happy Valentines Day.





Sage Lazzaro
Cover Story

Journalist covering tech, biz, internet culture, and women in tech, sometimes for Medium’s OneZero