Covesting Fund Management Module Beta Is Now Available on PrimeXBT

Covesting Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2020

Two years ago, we released the beta version of the Covesting cryptocurrency exchange. Today, on its anniversary, the Covesting Fund Management Module beta will make its debut on PrimeXBT — a Bitcoin-based margin trading platform we’ve formed a comprehensive B2B partnership with.

Users of the PrimeXBT trading platform can request early access to the Covesting Fund Management Module Beta via the website here.

To commemorate the launch of the Covesting Fund Management Module beta, we have prepared a blog post reviewing the road traveled, recapping the module’s most important benefits, and demonstrating what features are available to take advantage of during the beta phase.

Looking Back at the Long Road of Development

The Covesting team has thus far launched the COV token, the crypto intelligence portal, liquidity aggregation, and a cryptocurrency exchange. Following these developments, the cryptocurrency market began a downtrend, and interest in digital assets and related products and services declined rapidly.

We continued to pursue our vision to release a Fund Management Module, however, adapted our business strategy to focus on B2B partnerships to see through the launch of the product on a platform with an existing user base and specific trading tools designed to maximize the profitably of the Covesting Fund Management Module.

For more information about Covesting’s updated business vision, the company’s priorities, and much more, please visit our blog on the subject.

Why PrimeXBT? B2B Partner Unlocks Module Potential

PrimeXBT is a Bitcoin-based margin trading platform, offering up to 1000x leverage on forex, commodities, stock indices, and cryptocurrencies.

The platform has grown a significant foothold across the cryptocurrency market due to offering advanced trading tools as well as the ability to go long or go short on assets — the missing piece of the puzzle necessary for unlocking the full power of the Covesting Fund Management Module.

Walking Through the Covesting Fund Management Module Beta Benefits

The Covesting section welcomes users to the various aspects of the module. Here, users can create a fund, manage a fund, review their portfolio, and view global ratings of the various funds available through the module.

During the Beta phase, only certain aspects of the Covesting Fund Management Module may be available. For example, investments are disabled during the Beta phase.

By clicking Create a Fund, users can check to make sure they meet all necessary requirements, and supply a description, name, and more to later promote the fund to the trading community.

The Covesting Fund Management Module Beta phase lets traders get a lead on the competition by creating a fund early, growing the performance ratings of the fund, and be among the first funds available to investors when the full product goes live following the completion of the Beta phase.

Users may also view the Portfolio section where their investments and the performance of each investment will be tracked in real-time in the full product launch.

The more investors invest in each fund, the larger the pool of funds the trader will be taking positions with, and the larger the resulting profit share.

The more successful a trader is, the higher their ratings and the more attractive their fund will become, helping to grow profit potential to incredible heights for the very best traders across the market.

To learn more about how the Covesting Fund Management Module works and the advanced technology powering it, please visit the Covesting blog here and the PrimeXBT blog here for additional information.

Create a Fund, Report Bugs, and Shape Future of Product

The Covesting team is proud to debut the Beta to the world, enabling traders to profit alongside one another with the new tool.

Although the full product launch is very close, our work isn’t yet complete and we need your help. The Covesting Fund Management Module Beta will only be offered to limited users who will be tasked with testing the platform for bugs and other critical issues.

Traders that get an early head start on creating their funds may potentially be rewarded for their efforts in assisting to make the Covesting Fund Management Module the best it can be and reporting bugs.

To report bugs, contact the PrimeXBT support staff via their live 24/7 support staff with any relevant details related to the issue experienced.

The most active users assisting with detailed bug reports will be rewarded with COV tokens at the company’s discretion, based upon various factors such as the total number of bugs reported.

Try the Covesting Fund Management Module on PrimeXBT Today

While the launch of the Covesting Fund Management Module Beta is a significant milestone for the Covesting team and a first for the cryptocurrency industry, we remain focused on gathering vital data and feedback from our loyal and helpful beta testers so we can further hone the final experience and full product launch.

Your assistance will be invaluable in shaping the future of the Covesting Fund Management Module.

Later on, in the product’s lifecycle, we will launch Phase 1, integrate the COV utility token, and unlock additional features. For now, we look forward to letting our clients and users of the PrimeXBT trading platform utilize the module for the very first time.

To access the Covesting Fund Management Module on PrimeXBT, please visit

Covesting Team



Covesting Blog

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