Covey Now Supports 10 University Investment Clubs 🚀

Learn, Compete, and Get Hired on Covey

Brooker Belcourt
2 min readMay 5, 2021


We launched Covey Communities in January to allow anyone to track and share their investing ideas within communities that matter to them.

Students have been our earliest adopters, using Covey Communities for their Investment Clubs.

We now have 10 Investment Clubs live and actively investing on Covey, that’s hundreds of students onboarded in the same semester we launched! And even more testing us out! They are joining to learn, compete, and get hired.


Covey gives every community member:

1. A mock portfolio to track and share investing ideas with anyone.

2. Access to hedge fund software to learn about things like Sharpe Ratio, Net Exposure, Alpha, Leverage, and 50+ other metrics.

3. Ability to share your portfolio with a public link.


Within the Investment Club community, Covey rolls up all the members into one index for a total community performance. Members can now compare themselves to a) other members within the club, b) their total club performance, and c) other club’s performance.

Check out our leaderboard below. Covey compares all Investment Clubs seeing who has the best analysts.

Congrats to UNM for taking the early lead in 2021!

Get Hired

Covey is building a unique base of hundreds of passionate and talented analysts across the globe. We can think of no better service than to get students access to jobs in Finance.

Recruiters have expressed a desire to be more broad in their search for talent, but logistically it would be very difficult for them to reach out to 10+ schools all with different recruiting departments and no way to find those most interested in finance.

Covey does the hard work of assembling talented students into organized communities. Students across multiple schools who are passionate about investing are easily viewable by recruiters. One step closer to a meritocracy!

Next up, we are adding jobs for the Fall 2021 recruiting season. Join or create a community today to stay in the know.

To Join:

Find a community to join at

To Create:

Reach out to to set up a Covey community today.

Or head over to, click “Create Community”, and pay a small one-time fee to get started immediately. Now your club is ready to learn, compete, and get hired!

