Introducing Covey Communities

Get the Data to Improve Investing Decisions

Brooker Belcourt
2 min readJan 8, 2021


Excel and email are still the dominant platforms to track and share investing ideas. Everyday, analysts toil in excel, recording and tracking their own ideas; thousands of them recreate the same spreadsheet to do so. Managers are forced to sift through emails and excel attachments to evaluate analyst track records for idea generation. New ideas come through and managers are not empowered with data — they have only their gut to guide them. Even worse analysts are not getting the feedback to improve and a great opportunity for professional development is lost.

Covey Launched Communities to Track and Share Analyst Ideas WITHIN your community

Because of Covey’s Communities, managers can access a real-time dashboard of all their analyst ideas both current and past. Analyst performance data is now consolidated in one place — accessible anywhere, on mobile or desktop.

Finally managers can see live data to improve analyst performance — data that can lead to faster decision making when a new idea surfaces. This data can improve communication for the entire community.

Communities Exist Wherever People Track and Share Ideas

There are communities inside investing funds; communities within asset management recruiting department; communities within sell-side sales departments; communities within university investing classes; communities within university investing clubs; and communities within #fintwit. Across the investing world we see a desire for investors to have better ways of sharing their ideas within their smaller communities.

Communities Are Live Now on Covey!

Private communities for large asset managers are tracking ideas right now, improving analyst performance and making review season a breeze.

Public communities are launching this week!

We are delighted to have as our first public community the Western Investment Club (WIC), the stock picking club for Richard Ivey School of Business and Western University. WIC chose to partner with Covey to improve analyst performance in their investment club by having a central dashboard of ideas. Improving analyst performance will help WIC members get jobs and better manage the WIC cash portfolio.

Check them out here:

Head over to to see other communities and email to set up your own community now.

