Pandemic Motherhood Diary, Entry 10: Vaxxing the Kids

COVID-19 Wall of Memories
COVID-19 Observer
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2022

By Melissa Menny

Mother holding her baby

Learning that there is finally a vaccine for children six months to five years old evoked various emotions for my husband and me. We felt a sense of relief, caution, and a bit of dread all at the same time. I’m sure we are like most parents in that we hate seeing our babies in agony after they receive a vaccine. But vaccinations are a necessity that we do not doubt.

Whenever our kids receive shots, we pause to make sure that there are no worrisome after-effects. Our youngest received three shots earlier this month for his six-month appointment. Of course, he cried immediately following the first shot. Gratefully he experienced no complications and was able to rest throughout the night. However, he has had previous experiences where he struggled to rest afterward because of the pain and cried most of the evening. We even had to call his doctor during the wee hours for suggested solutions. Liquid medicines are quite tricky to give to a baby with sensitive gag reflexes. It was a long night because of that. Both of our sons have upcoming appointments next month because of tight schedules. That means more vaccinations and more vigilance on our part.

My husband and I have been trying to sort out the “when” for our kids, but admit we have been moving slowly to get it done. You’d think because of the fear of my kids getting the virus or any variant, we would have gotten it done immediately. We believe in science but also believe in pausing to do our homework. Like many parents, we have been reading and talking to others about what to expect. But with everything involving our kids, we just have to be prepared for anything.

With more variants springing up, we cannot wait to get this done, nervous or not. I’m just hoping for the best-case scenarios where they are both completely fine. Getting them vaccinated will allow us to breathe going forward, even just a little bit.

What ultimately matters most is their protection, especially since the virus is not slowing down and has hit closer to home. Not geographically, but one of my siblings is currently recovering from covid. After a week of enduring body aches, a fever, and loss of appetite, she’s finally feeling a little like herself. And to that, I say thank God she was vaccinated.

Melissa Menny is an author with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism. She is a poet and a writer in all aspects. When she is not working, she enjoys painting, music, and spending time with her husband and two sons.



COVID-19 Wall of Memories
COVID-19 Observer

COVID-19 Wall of Memories memorializes the lives of COVID-19 victims while serving as a source of information about its impact on the United States.