Harvard Coronavirus Response Resources for the Public Sector

A number of new resources are available from the Harvard community that can aid the public sector in responding to the coronavirus pandemic

Harvard Ash Center
COVID-19 Public Sector Resources
6 min readMar 20, 2020


The below are listed in order of school, then publication date, starting with the most recent. Last updated July 30 at 7:55 PM. Postings below do not convey endorsement of any particular organization or opinion contained in links.

Harvard Kennedy School

New Research in Series Assisting Tribal Nations Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis

A team of researchers from Harvard University and the University of Arizona released two policy briefs in their research series aimed at assisting tribal nations navigate the COVID-19 crisis, strengthen their governments, and emerge stronger than before.

On the Front Lines: Tribal Nations Take on COVID-19

An Ash Center event on May 26th featured experts discussing how tribal nations are taking on COVID-19, moderated by Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development Director Megan Minoka Hill.

Researchers Release Proposal for Fair Distribution of Response Funds to Native Nations

A team of researchers from Harvard, the University of Arizona, and University of California, Los Angeles released its proposal for fairly allocating the $8 billion of Title V CARES Act monies earmarked for the governments of federally recognized American Indian and Alaskan Native nations.

Connecting Governments and Organizations with Harvard Graduate Students

The HKS Office of Career Advancement together with the school’s research centers and initiatives, and the Dean’s Office are connecting governments and organizations around the world with Harvard graduate students to work on projects combating the devastating effects of COVID-19.

Opportunity Insights Economic Tracker

A new tool to track the economic impacts of COVID-19 on people, businesses, and communities across the United States in real-time.

The State of the Nation: A 50-State COVID-19 Survey

A new national survey led by researchers from Harvard Kennedy School, Northeastern University, and Rutgers University reveals that a majority of people in the U.S. want to continue physical distancing measures, even as the federal government and some state governors are pushing to re-open the economy, according to.

COVID-19 Resources for Indian Country

The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development has put together a toolkit of resources that demonstrate ways to build governance capacity, illustrate best practices by tribes, provide trusted information about the virus itself, and supply tribal health ordinances intended to meet immediate needs for Indian Country governments.

Impact of COVID‐19 on American Indian economies and governments

Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development researchers released the preliminary results of a study on the impact of the COVID‐19 crisis on the economies and governments of the country’s 574 federally‐recognized American Indian nations.

Gender-Based Violence and COVID-19

A research summary from the Women and Public Policy Program’s Gender Action Portal to give information to policymakers, practitioners, activists, and leaders looking to curtail the upswing in domestic violence connected to physical and social isolation caused by the pandemic.

Tech’s COVID Response: Stepping Up to Help Governments

A database of software companies offering products and resources to government agencies addressing COVID-19, compiled by Nick Sinai, Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy and Daniel Goldberg (HKS MPP 2019 / HBS MBA 2019) of the Kennedy School.

COVID-19: Insights and Solutions

Governments, institutions, and communities in the United States and around the world are grappling with the impact of COVID-19. Harvard Kennedy School experts contribute to solutions and thought leadership on problems ranging from government responsiveness to health to the economy to human rights and more. From the economy to democracy, this page contains all the various contributions made by the Kennedy School community related to COVID-19.

COVID-19 Response White Papers

The Edmond J. Safra Center at Harvard University has convened a rapid response initiative in response to the COVID-19 threat. The initiative will bring scholarship to bear on the crisis by providing an avenue for swift dissemination of white papers focused on issues of ethics and governance (including of the economy), emerging from the effort to respond to the pandemic. This cross-disciplinary, rapid peer-review process aims to undo the disconnect among lawmakers, technical experts, bureaucracy, and the general public. White papers will engage topics of societal goals, education, the economy, the health system, the temporality of planning, triage in the justice system, volunteerism, and social solidarity.

COVID-19 Digital Resources

A curated list of digital tools, platforms, and data to address the COVID-19 pandemic from the Belfer Center’s Technology and Public Purpose (TAPP) program. The purpose of the COVID-19 Digital Response list is to share vetted opportunities for digital technologies and volunteers to support COVID response efforts.

This list includes initiatives that provide reliable expert sources, feature publicly available data, are being regularly updated, and demonstrate a clear commitment to public purpose efforts. This list is not meant to be exhaustive.

How the public sector and civil society can respond to the coronavirus pandemic

From battling misinformation to prioritizing treatment, Harvard Kennedy School experts address the critical and difficult roles the public sector must play in the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

How we can combat coronavirus and political division at the same time

Associate Professor of Public Policy Julia Minson offers five important tips fon how to communicate in a receptive way about COVID-19.

Twenty Things for Organizational Leaders to Know about COVID-19 as of March 13, 2020

Insights from the Program on Crisis Leadership, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Joint Center for Housing Studies

COVID-19 Housing Resources

The Joint Center for Housing Studies has compiled the following list of housing-related information and resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have any additional information or resources, please contact them at jchs@harvard.edu.

Harvard Medical School

Coronavirus Resource Center

As coronavirus spreads, many questions and some answers from Harvard Health Publishing.

COVID Near You

As part of the HealthMap project from Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, COVID Near You is a crowdsourced map tracking self-reported cases and symptoms of COVID-19 across the US.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

App predicts hospital capacity

A new tool will help leaders make informed decisions as hospitals prepare for COVID-19 patients

Talking about the emotional toll of the pandemic

Harvard Chan School of Public Health will launch a series of weekly interactive forums to discuss issues and options

Harvard Graduate School of Education

“Virtual School” Lesson Plan Database

Database of online learning options, sorted by age level and subject

Confronting the Coronavirus Outbreak

An ongoing series from Usable Knowledge about how schools and families can respond to change and disruption, build resilience, and help young people learn and thrive at home

Harvard Law School

How and Why to Empower Workers in the COVID-19 Response

These new recommendations will provide a resource that policymakers at the state, federal and local level can use for ideas on how to build worker power as they respond to the pandemic.

How Much Access To Data Should Be Permitted During The Covid-19 Pandemic?

An interview with Urs Grasser of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society that sheds light on the benefits of using data to address the pandemic, and calls on the federal government to approve comprehensive digital privacy protections.

Covid-19 Response

The Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic is engaged in an emergency response effort to address the impact that COVID-19 is having on our food systems, including initiatives supporting donations of excess food due to closures of universities and other venues, analyzing opportunities to increase low-cost home food delivery, and shoring up emergency food systems.

To explore Harvard’s own response to Coronavirus, please visit https://www.harvard.edu/coronavirus



Harvard Ash Center
COVID-19 Public Sector Resources

Research center and think tank at Harvard Kennedy School. Here to talk about democracy, government innovation, and Asia public policy.