COVID-19 Analytics & AI Reviews

Wade Schulz, MD, PhD
COVID Reviews
Published in
1 min readApr 3, 2020
CDC illustration of SARS-CoV2:

The goal of this publication is to provide a series of reviews related to recent analytics-focused articles on COVID-19. Our hope is to provide short summaries and critiques in a journal club-oriented format that can be quickly digested to assess the methodologies used, populations/outcomes assessed, impact of work, and strengths/weaknesses of each article. As the field continues to rapidly evolve with a likely reliance on pre-print articles, we hope to offer additional feedback to authors while further developing their work and future manuscripts along with a curated collection of articles for the research community.

We will publish our first two journal club reviews shortly on the following articles:

  1. Predicting Mortality Risk in Patients with COVID-19 Using Artificial Intelligence to Help Medical Decision-Making
  2. Towards an Artificial Intelligence Framework for Data-Driven Prediction of Coronavirus Clinical Severity

Please feel free to comment if you would like to contribute or if you have additional article recommendations for review.



Wade Schulz, MD, PhD
COVID Reviews

Dr. Schulz is an Assistant Professor of Laboratory Medicine and computational healthcare researcher at Yale School of Medicine