APPLY NOW: Local Solutions for #COVIDaction

Ben Oldfrey
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2020

Problems with supply chains and demand for critical products due to Covid-19, mean that people in local contexts are facing similar challenges all over the globe. The ideas that people come up with to solve those problems however — are often unique. We want to hear about these innovative solutions aimed at the local community, and help promote these solutions in similar contexts in other parts of the world — for the benefit of the innovators and the wider groups of users that these solutions could reach with the right help.


This call is about active response to the current situation, so we want:

  • Products in development that have already been prototyped and could be accelerated to market.
  • Products that had a place in the market prior to the covid pandemic, and are already in production
  • Products that have been rapidly developed to address the crisis.

We’ve had a great set of responses so far. We further encourage and would particularly like to hear from more innovators who have developed:

  • Non-disposable PPE and disinfection solutions
  • Products that facilitate lean manufacture with local raw materials
  • Frugal designs that take advantage of local skills
  • Solutions that can be repaired and maintained locally
  • Replacements of products that are usually imported

Here are some of the emerging themes of the submissions we have received so far:

  • PPE — designs for a variety of personal protective equipment, face-shields, masks and body protection for both medical professionals and at home
  • Domestic Logistics — solutions that address the transport of food and medical supplies, addressing terrain and lockdown barriers
  • Medical devices & innovations — locally produced devices intended to be maintained in the local ecosystem, and that facilitate remote medical care
  • Sanitation — solutions for varying contexts for hygiene and disinfection, some with innovative use of local materials

Solutions must have been primarily designed and developed in the geographies stated, however applicants with partners in the UK and other countries are welcome.




Ben Oldfrey

Lead — FCDO COVIDaction Local Production Local Solutions, Research Fellow — FCDO AT2030, Global Disability Innovation Hub, Institute of Making, UCL