Stories of Quarantine and Times of Uncertainty

Susan Paykin
Atlas Insights
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2022
Image: Andrew Burton for The New York Times

One of many emerging themes we’re seeing in submissions to the Atlas Stories project is how people managed or struggled to manage social and physical quarantine, especially in the early months of the pandemic. Explore three stories below where people reflect on the challenges of quarantine and pandemic shutdowns, each story bringing unique insights to these challenges.

Do you have a pandemic story to tell? Share your own experiences and reflections of the pandemic with Atlas Stories. Real-life stories from across the country are featured on the US Covid Atlas map, paired with data and statistics from the past 2+ years. Participation is free, easy, and you retain ownership of your story at all times. Read on for stories already submitted for more inspiration.

Panera is open

Middlesex, MA

A written story

Milwaukee, WI

Hope is still optional

Gila, AZ

Find more pandemic stories and data on our map. To contribute your story to this living archive project, visit



Susan Paykin
Atlas Insights

Research Manager at the Center for for Spatial Data Science at University of Chicago.