Video 18: Racism, violence, and other problems in football

Edward Patrick Akinyemi
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2020

The problems and diseases of society manifest themselves within football. As a result, there is no such thing as a football problem; there are only societal problems that become reality in football.

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In Chapter 16 of my book (“Mirror Force”) I discuss the depressing side of football. The racism, the violence done by the “ultras” groups (with a particular focus on Argentina’s barras bravas), the discrimination, the hatred for our fellow brothers and sisters. I also talk about the phenomenal documentary “Les Blues, Une Autre Historie de France”, which is one of the best analyses of how football, politics, and society are all inextricably linked.

Video link:

The documentary examines how the French national team reflected the dominant and often highly controversial discussions in French society, ranging from controversies about whether Frenchmen of Arab and African descent could be considered “true Frenchmen” to discussions about if football was an adequate tool to resolve the racial and social tensions in France and, yes, about if players should be required to sing the national anthem before national team games.

See you, Space Cowboy.

