Build your own membership

Andrei Cosmin Munteanu
Cowork Timisoara
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2019

We, as humans, are in a continuous learning process. I bet you learned something new today! Be it at home with your family, by reading a book or an online article or just meeting friends and sharing opinions — there are always new things to find out.

With this in mind, we at CoworkTimisora, being always on the quest to offer you the perfect service package (we’re the perfect place for freelancers and startups, right?), are very eager to learn more about our members (or potential members) habits, needs or requests. That’s why we encourage you to challenge us!

What if you could decide how your membership looks like? Do you usually work evenings? in weekends? Do you only need access to meeting rooms or call rooms? Do you need a printer, support in accounting or setting up a work point? Are you working only in odd days? Or maybe just in winter? You’re productive only on a certain brew of coffee or hell, you surely need a beer tap in the office!

We’re sure you can be more creative than us, and you certainly know your needs better. So teach us!

We’re really curious to hear what would be the perfect combination of hours & services that you need. And we’re not just talks —we’ll actually going to design a custom package with the best ideas and the lucky ones that get the most appreciation for those ideas will get the chance to test these packages in our space for free.

How can you get involved in this? Post your proposal on your Facebook or Instagram account using the tags #myMembership #coworkTM and provoke your friends to comment, like or dislike your ideas. We promise to do the same! The campaign starts on 29th of March and ends on 13th of April 2019.


