Eduard Boka — Entrepreneur & Heartfelt Marketer

Patricia Borlovan
Cowork Timisoara
Published in
4 min readNov 27, 2017

Today it’s time to meet our next coworker, Eduard Boka aka Eddie. He is an entrepreneur passionate about technology, leadership, marketing and creating a better future.

As an optimist and creative spirit, he loves exploring new ideas and breathing life into them. He is a huge supporter of learning and always encourages his colleagues to grow professionally and to be open and embrace new ideas.

Eddie is also one of the most energetic coworkers you can find around. Wonder why I am telling you this? Just take a look at how a normal Sunday morning looks like. Dancing like nobody’s watching.

If you are visiting us at Cowork Timisoara, there is a high chance to find Eddie fashionably dressed and enjoying a healthy snack.

Eddie describes himself as being an ambitious person, ready to change the world … for good! After a couple of failures in the startup world, he found his mission and started connecting the dots.

This is how MarketogyThe House of Marketing Canvas was born. Together with his team, Claudia & Iasmina, Eddie is aiming to change the perspective of doing marketing, which can be hard to figure out.

The information surrounding us can get overwhelming fast, that’s why they want to help marketers and entrepreneurs to succeed with the help of Heartfelt Marketing.


Eddie, please describe us your startup and what are you doing right now?

Marketogy — the business I have developed provides an insight into marketing, product, business and marketing strategy, by having empathy and understanding key points towards the client.

Which was your main motivation when you started working on this business?

I started this business from my own need, when I realized that puzzle pieces are not matching, that something is missing in all the projects I was working on. We used to apply marketing tactics and implement all kinds of experiments, without having an overview of what the audience is doing and which are their needs or motivations.

I didn’t used to be an emphatic person — I was always geared towards data, statistics, and this is how I came into conflict with Seth Godin’s vision of marketing. That was the moment when I stepped out of my comfort zone, when I tried to understand and look at the bigger picture.

What made you come to work at Cowork Timisoara and what do you like the most, after spending some time there?

This year, we needed to move our office, so I started looking for different solutions. CoworkTimisoara seemed like the solution that would make us step of our comfort zone:

  • to socialize with other people;
  • to have background noise, and not fall asleep when we want, at the office (though, it can happen even here); 😁

After working already for two months here, I think I have got the jackpot card: the socializing part turned out to be a very good thing for us — instead of sitting in our bubble, we allowed other people to get into it.


The background noise turned out to be OK, it does not bother us and when we need to focus on our work, we can always put our headphones on.

Having several bean bags around help us to relax, listen to music, ready a book, have a personal conversation or take a power-nap.

When you decide to fall asleep, be aware of that anonymus camera taking pictures , you can be the next Instagram story— #SleepingAtCowork

At the same time, I decided to involve myself more in community projects and help within the time and resources I have available. The success of those people I am helping, makes me happy and fills me with energy.

How do you think coworking spaces can help entrepreneurs and their businesses?

Networking, exposure, community. All this, greatly contributes to the success of a business.

Finally, do you have a super-wise tip for other entrepreneurs that are just starting their business?

Come over to Cowork Timisoara and let’s talk about your business. We can set a meeting and I will help you to see the full picture. Leave your comfort zone behind because nothing interesting is going on there.

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If the marketing canvas or the idea of heartfelt marketing caught your attention, you may also consider to check out the community Eddie has created: Heartfelt Marketing & Entrepreneurship.

If you want to reach out to Eddie, you can find him at:



Patricia Borlovan
Cowork Timisoara

Content writer for VCs | Content Repurposing Advocate. | Find me: @EUVC & @SeedBlink.