Taking a look back on 2019

Andrei Cosmin Munteanu
Cowork Timisoara
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2019

We’ve all had a blast in 2019 with events ranging from all sorts of topics in the #tech and #startup scene, from building amazing products to the due diligence and intricate legal system. But maybe one thing we should start with is WHY we do this.

We believe that in order to grow as a community, in the first place we need to learn, and the best learning takes place if we do it Together. That’s why we’ve started back in 2013 to run events for the local community in Timisoara (be it Startup Weekend, Startup Pirates, Startup Survivor or your monthly Startup Coffee, or the latest Timisoara Freelancers, Fintech or Google Dev Group meetups).

Running events is part of what we’ve been doing for a really long while; now we’re starting to see the impact and we’re really happy about that. Seeing participants from various programs grow & flourish or having discussions with them 2–3 years later down the road on how they can help the community, is really warming.

Now that we run two spaces in town we also have the possibility to host events and meetups organized by other parties — that turned out to be fantastic too! We’d like to mention here: Design Club TM, Tabara de Testare, Agile, Deep Learning, Docker, Python, Pe Sleau, VAPRO, Coaching and many more. Logistics at recurrent events are always one big bullet on the organizers' agenda and we’re here to help. If we’re talking about free events for the community, you’ve got a free space with all the logistics to run it.

On building complete professionals & innovation

Two ‘major’ events arise here: both geared on education, networking and better teamwork.

Startup Weekend — a global movement in education, networking and kickstarting new projects. It helps individuals and teams understand and experience the deliverables needed in a small, yet agile startup team with a focus on teamwork. SWTimisoara #7 was a real success by bringing together amazing domain expertise and reuniting with techies, designers and business people which managed to deliver together 8 startups that got pitched in front of a jury panel of entrepreneurs and investors.

Startup Survivor — Startup Weekend’s little brother (or sister :-) ). We’ve been building this program concept block by block in order to come up with a 2-week coherent program that delivers better professionals to the local community. Basically the program takes in applications from youngsters with diverse backgrounds and fills in their niche expertise with must-have skills in the workforce of today. Be it communication and teamwork, pitching and sales, understanding various revenue models and building your own or just your regular feedback round process that helps you develop. Year 2019 brought together two editions of Startup Survivor, in May & November. More than 250 applicants, 25 mentors and trainers, 70 hours of working meetings, 7 organizers with over 20 partners.


They are the communities super-stars. Do shake their hands or offer them a coffee if you meet them somewhere. They’ve been putting in volunteer hours and creativity for the sole purpose of helping others grow. With this we’d like to give them a BIG thank you!

SWTimisoara7 — left to right: Iasmina, Rebeca, Andrei. On the road to pick up our facilitator, Martin Andrle.
Startup Survivor Nov2019 — left to right: Cristi, Raul, AndreiF, Lore, AndreiM, Radu, Larisa. Missing: Alice & AndreiG.

Short recap:

112 events organized & hosted

150+ speakers & mentors

750h+ volunteer hours in organizing events

2700+ participants attending the above events

250k+ social media exposure & events partners exposure


CoworkTM happy bunch

