[12] Coworking Cities Warsaw

Coworkies - Coworking Communities
Coworkies Magazine
Published in
5 min readJun 20, 2018

After exploring the West part of Europe, it is now time for us to head to the East and explore the coworking scene! What a better start than the capital city of Poland, Warsaw! Often called “The new Berlin”, Warsaw offers an amazing quality of life and very good infrastructure.

Why Warsaw? After our participation at the Polish coworking conference, we got an impressive glimpse of how diverse and dynamic the coworking scene around the country is. In order to learn more and discover it for ourselves, we decided to go in the capital city, where it all started: Warsaw

What can you expect to learn?

  • Kasia, Project Coordinator at The Brain Embassy gives insights about how they use Interior design as a mean to connect people.
  • Dariusz, CEO of Business Link, the biggest Polish coworking operator talks about how they grew their coworking brand from 1 space to 16!
  • Michal shares his coworker point of view of how coworking can benefits your business!

Scroll down and get inspired by the stories we brought you all the way from Poland!


Why did coworking picked up in Poland?

Largest economy of Central Europe, Poland has built a name in the outsourcing service industry, redefining the way people work as well as the workspace itself. Alongside outsourcing, the Polish startup scene has also grown exponentially over the last few years, resulting in a need for spaces where startups can connect and grow.

Type of spaces available

  • 🚀Startup spaces (check out REAKTOR)
  • 💸Free coworking space
  • 👨‍💼Coworking spaces for SME’s
  • 🏢Coworking space from/ for Corporates
  • ☕Coffice
  • 🎨Coworking for Creatives
  • 👩‍🏭Makerspace

Average price of a desk in Warsaw
💺 140 euros

🤯Most surprising coworking location in Warsaw…

Business Link PGE Narodowy for being inside… the national football stadium!
Visit it here!

😎Cool coworking concept from Warsaw

Idea Hub, a Polish bank offering free coworking space to their clients in some of their branches as well as on the train and… on Warsaw’s beach!

🐟🐠 Biggest fish aquarium we’ve ever seen (+ 👍interior design)
Bobo Coworking, one of the latest additions to Warsaw’s coworking scene located in the heart of the business part of the city.


The coworking scene of Warsaw would not be what it is without people working hard to build it. How do you educate the market to the concept of coworking? How do you grow a brand in a city that is not fully aware yet of the advantages of coworking? How do you use the space to grow your business?


The Coworkies team interviewed key players of the coworking scene who shared with us their insights and stories. Moreover, we spoke with a coworker who talked to us about what coworking brought to his business.

  • Kasia is Program Manager at The Brain Embassy, a beautifully design coworking space who uses interior design as a way to create interaction and to focus.


  • Darek is the CEO of Business Link, the #1 Polish coworking brand. We spoke with him about growth and building a brand from 1 to 16 spaces.


Coworking is about people and community! To give you a full understanding of Warsaw coworking scene, we interviewed Michal the founder of Food Outlet, an online food exchange platform bringing together producers and consumers, enabling the sale of wholesome food products with an expiring date. He decided tocowork out of HubHub, one of the growing coworking brands in the CE region. Check out his interview!



What’s up in Coworking Warsaw lately? Well it seems like the coworking giants are entering the market. Check out below for more details.


Which city are you most interested in for the next edition?

🇨🇿 PRAGUE 🇨🇿
to talk about coworking in preserved monuments, building a community around digital nomads and revenue streams for your space.

to talk about running a coworking space in 30 sqm, maturity of your space and curated communities.

🇬🇷 ATHENS 🇬🇷
to talk about makerspaces, social innovation and monetizing your community.

🇮🇹 MILAN 🇮🇹
to talk about coffice, curated community, coworking space for parents and building a brand across Europe

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